This section describes how you can take action if you become unable to perform operations while using the console interface.
(Bare metal) Simultaneously pressing Alt and another key might cause the iLO remote console screen to black out, preventing you from performing operations. In such a case, press Alt + F1 key.
(Bare metal) Pressing the ScrollLock key might lock the screen, preventing you from performing key entries. In such a case, press the ScrollLock key again to unlock the screen.
(Bare metal) The console interface screen might not be displayed correctly. In such a case, close the iLO remote console (HTML5 Console) once, and then re-open it.
The login prompt might not be displayed correctly. In such a case, press the Enter key to cause a login error temporarily, and then redisplay the login prompt.
Also, in input mode, do not enter any characters other than the following in the input field:
Numbers (0-9)
Uppercase letters (A-Z) and lowercase letters (a-z)
Following symbols: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
Entering other characters or keys might result in the screen not displaying properly. In this case, display another screen and then display the original screen again.