Obtaining capacity information about individual volumes

Virtual Storage Platform One SDS Block System Administrator Guide

Part Number

The following capacity information is obtained in low-resolution for the volume with the specified ID.

  • id: Volume ID (uuid)

  • vpsId: ID of a VPS to which volumes belong

  • capacityUsage: Consumed amount [MiB]

  • Required role: Storage, RemoteCopy, Monitor, or Resource

  1. Verify the ID of the volume for which you want to obtain capacity information.

    If you use the CLI to specify a volume by name, check the name of the volume.

    REST API: GET /v1/objects/volumes

    CLI: volume_list

  2. Obtain capacity information.

    Run either of the following commands with the volume ID specified.

    If you use the CLI, you can specify a name instead of the ID of the volume.

    REST API: GET /v1/objects/performances/volume-capacities/<id>

    CLI: volume_capacity_performance_show