Obtaining a list of high-resolution performance information about drives

Virtual Storage Platform One SDS Block System Administrator Guide

Part Number

The following information can be obtained.

  • id: Drive IDs (uuid)

  • readIOPS: Number of read operations per second [IOPS]

  • writeIOPS: Number of write operations per second [IOPS]

  • readTransferRate: Read transfer amount per second [MiB/sec]

  • writeTransferRate: Write transfer amount per second [MiB/sec]

  • responseTime: Average response time [msec]

  • usage: Ratio of I/O operating time of the drive against elapsed time [%]

  • Required role: Storage, RemoteCopy, Monitor, or Resource

  1. Verify the IDs of the drives for which you want to obtain performance information.

    REST API: GET /v1/objects/drives

    CLI: drive_list

  2. Obtain a list of performance information.

    Use the query parameter to specify the drive IDs and run either of the following commands. You can specify a maximum of 32 drive IDs.

    REST API: GET /v1/objects/detail-performances/drives

    CLI: drive_detail_performance_list


When the following operations or failures occur, drive access may occur asynchronously with I/O from the compute node. If the system load is high, the performance may be temporarily affected.

  • Expanding storage pool

  • Volume operations

  • Storage node maintenance

  • Adding and removing storage nodes

  • Adding and removing drives

  • Storage node failure

  • Drive failure