Obtaining session information

Virtual Storage Platform One SDS Block System Administrator Guide

Part Number

The following information can be obtained for the session with the session ID specified.

  • sessionId: Session ID (uuid)

  • userId: User ID

  • userObjectId: User object ID

  • expirationTime: Session expiration time

  • createdTime: Date and time when the session is generated

  • lastAccessTime: Date and time when the session was used last

  • roleNames: List of roles assigned to the user who retains this session

  • vpsId: ID of the VPS to which the user who generated the session belongs

  • privileges: List of the VPS information that the user who generated the session can access

  • Role required to obtain session information about any session ID: Security

    Role-based execution is not subject to restriction in the case of obtaining one's own session information.

  1. Verify the ID of the session.

    REST API: GET /v1/objects/sessions

    CLI: session_list

  2. Obtain information about the session with the session ID specified.

    REST API: GET /v1/objects/sessions/<sessionId>

    CLI: session_show