Identifying faulty hardware after receiving a trap

Virtual Storage Platform One SDS Block System Administrator Guide

Part Number

The procedure for identifying the hardware in which a failure occurred after receiving a trap is as follows.

For the cloud model, the procedure is for identifying the EC2 instance.

  1. From the information received via a trap, verify the ID of the storage node which registered the event log. sdsEventMessage can be used to determine the ID of the faulty storage node. (However, sdsEventMessage does not always include the storage node ID because not all the traps are caused by hardware failures.)
  2. Obtain a list of storage node IDs by running an SNMP command.
  3. In the list of storage node IDs, find a storage node ID that matches the ID verified in step 1.
  4. Obtain information about the storage node by using the entry number (X) of the matched storage node.


    OID of the node name of the storage node:

    OID of the server model of the storage node:

    OID of the server serial number of the storage node:

  5. From the results in step 4, you can identify the server in which a failure occurred.