Monitoring the event logs transferred to the Syslog server

Virtual Storage Platform One SDS Block System Administrator Guide

Part Number

Sometimes, event logs are not transferred to the Syslog server due to network failures. In such a case, verify the event log in VSP One SDS Block.

  1. Verify the message serial numbers of the event logs received by the Syslog server.

    Message serial numbers are serial numbers allocated to events. By verifying message serial numbers, you can make sure that all event logs are transferred. If some message serial numbers are missing, some event logs were not transferred to the Syslog server due to network failure or other causes. In such a case, verify the event log by the following procedure.

  2. If some message serial numbers are missing in event logs received by the Syslog server, verify the date and time of the event logs before and after the missing serial numbers.
  3. Obtain a list of event logs (see Obtaining a list of event logs).
  4. From the obtained event log list, confirm the event logs that occurred during the time period verified in step 2.