Verifying and canceling passphrases for private keys

Virtual Storage Platform One SDS Block System Administrator Guide

Part Number

If a passphrase is set for a private key, the private key cannot be used for the VSP One SDS Block. If a passphrase is set, cancel it.

You can use the same OpenSSL command for both Windows and Linux. Use a console where you can run commands. In Windows, open a command prompt and run the command. In Linux, open a terminal and run the command.

  • The intended private key must be created beforehand.

  1. Move to the folder containing the private key file.
  2. Run the following command.

    If a passphrase is set, you are prompted to enter the passphrase when you run the command. In that case, go to step 3. If no character string is displayed, no passphrase is set. You do not need to perform step 3. The private key can be used for VSP One SDS Block.

    openssl rsa -in <name-of-private-key-file-for-input> -out<name-of-private-key-file-for-output>

    If you use the same private key file name for input and output, the private key file is overwritten. If you do not want the file to be overwritten, specify different file names for input and output or make a backup file, and then run the command.

  3. If you are prompted to enter a passphrase, enter it.

    When you enter the correct passphrase, it is canceled. You can now use the private key for VSP One SDS Block.


    openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.key Enter pass phrase for server.key: