Configuring a storage cluster

Virtual Storage Platform One SDS Block Cloud Setup and Configuration Guide

Part Number

This section describes how to configure a storage cluster with the Cloud model of VSP One SDS Block from AWS Marketplace.


A key pair that has the name <stack-name>-KeyPair is created at the time of storage cluster configuration and a private key is stored in Parameter Store. In VSP One SDS Block, this key pair cannot be used to log in to storage nodes after storage cluster configuration.

However, do not delete information about a private key stored in Parameter Store and a key pair for future use during storage cluster operation.

  • When you configure a storage cluster with Bring Your Own License (BYOL) for VSP One SDS Block selected in AWS Marketplace, a trial license is registered in this storage cluster as a base license of VSP One SDS Block. The trial license is valid for 60 days. You need to register another type of base license for continued use of VSP One SDS Block after the trial license expires. For the license installation procedure, see the VSP One SDS Block System Administrator Operation Guide.

  • When you configure a storage cluster with usage-based pricing for VSP One SDS Block selected in AWS Marketplace, the Utility license is registered in this storage cluster as a base license of VSP One SDS Block. The Utility base license has no expiration, allowing continued use of the product.

  • When you configure a storage cluster with a contract for VSP One SDS Block selected in AWS Marketplace, the Floating license as a base license of VSP One SDS Block is registered in this storage cluster. The license period and licensed capacity for the Floating license are managed by the AWS License Manager license.

    You need to consider notes on the AWS License Manager license for the products that apply contract-based charge. See Notes on the AWS License Manager license for products that apply contract-based charge.

For details about the license, see License management overview in the VSP One SDS Block System Administrator Operation Guide.

  1. Access the product page of the Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform One SDS Block by using the IAM user that meets prerequisites indicated in Confirming prerequisites for setup.
  2. Click Continue to Subscribe.
  3. (Only for products that apply contract-based charge) In the Create an agreement for this software window, specify the licensed period, licensed capacity, and auto-update settings managed by AWS Manager. If you already signed a license contract in the AWS account in use, go to step 6.
  4. (Only for products that apply contract-based charge) Confirm the licensed fees, and then click Create Contract.
  5. (Only for products that apply usage-based pricing or BYOL)In the Subscribe to this software window, you need to confirm and agree the Terms and Conditions, and then click Accept Terms and wait for a while.

    Perform the operation only for the first time.

  6. Click Continue to Configuration.
  7. Select product configuration in the Configure this software window.
    • Fulfillment option: Single-AZ configuration or Multi-AZ configuration
    • Software Version: Version of VSP One SDS Block to be set up
    • Region: Region of AWS to be used for configuring a storage cluster
  8. Click Continue to Launch.
  9. Click Launch in the Launch this software window.
  10. In the Create stack window, make sure that the Amazon S3 URL is displayed, and then click Next.
  11. In the Specify stack details window, specify the stack name and parameters, and then click Next.

    Values to be entered are as follows:

    • Stack name
      • Stack name: Any character string
    • Parameter
      • ClusterName: Any character string
      • AvailabilityZone [1-3]: Availability zone to be used for setting up VSP One SDS Block

        In the case of Multi-AZ configuration, specify the Availability Zone in which tiebreaker node is to be installed for AvailabilityZone3.

      • VpcId: ID of the VPC that is used to set up VSP One SDS Block
      • ControlSubnetId [1-3]: ID of the control network subnet of VSP One SDS Block

        In the case of Multi-AZ configuration, specify the ID of the control network subnet in which tiebreaker node is to be installed for ControlSubnetId3.

      • ControlNetworkCidrBlock: (Single-AZ configuration) ID of subnets for VSP One SDS Block control network or IPv4 CIDR of the VPC to which subnets for control network belong.

        (Multi-AZ configuration) IPv4 CIDR of the VPC to which a control network subnet of VSP One SDS Block belongs.

      • InterNodeSubnetId [1-3]: ID of the internode network subnet of VSP One SDS Block

        In the case of Multi-AZ configuration, specify the ID of the internode network subnet in which tiebreaker node is to be installed for InterNodeSubnetId3.

      • ComputeSubnetId [1-2]: ID of the compute network subnet of VSP One SDS Block
      • StorageNodeInstanceType: Instance type of storage nodes of VSP One SDS Block
      • ConfigurationPattern: Data protection method and the number of nodes for a storage cluster
      • DriveCount: Number of drives per node
      • PhysicalDriveCapacity: Physical capacity (EBS size) setting per drive
      • EbsVolumeEncryption: Whether EBS encryption is enabled or disabled
      • EbsVolumeKmsKeyId: KMS key to be used when EBS encryption is enabled
      • TimeZone: Time zone to be set in VSP One SDS Block
      • BillingCode: Any character string
      • S3URI: URI (starting with "s3://") of Amazon S3 folder where error message files and dump log files are output at the time of VSP One SDS Block setup.

        Add a slash ("/") at the end of the URL.

      • IamRoleNameForStorageCluster: Name of the IAM role that meets prerequisites indicated in Confirming prerequisites for setup.
    • For the stack name and parameter values, follow the AWS naming conventions in the AWS user guide.

    • ClusterName must be no longer than 20 characters, the first character must be alphabetical. The character string set for ClusterName will be used as a part of the DNS name of the load balancer (For example, if you set "VSP" for ClusterName, the DNS name of the load balancer will be the value "VSP-ELB-1234567890abcdef.elb.<region>"). To set the FQDN of the load balancer as Common Name (CN) for a server certificate, enter ClusterName using no more than ten characters because the upper limit of the character string of Common Name (CN) is 64.
    • Default values can be set for the following parameters.

      • ClusterName
      • StorageNodeInstanceType
      • ConfigurationPattern
      • DriveCount
      • PhysicalDriveCapacity
      • EbsVolumeEncryption
      • EbsVolumeKmsKeyId
      • TimeZone
      • BillingCode

      VSP One SDS Block resources are created in the availability zone you entered in AvailabilityZone, and the character string you entered in BillingCode is assigned to each resource as a tag for cost monitoring. For details about how to enable the tag as a cost allocation tag, see Activating cost allocation tags.

      Also, the character string you entered in ClusterName is assigned to each resource as a Name tag. Note that the values that you set in ClusterName are set as a part of the Name tag values. (For example, when you set "VSP" for ClusterName, the resource name of the storage node EBS volumes created in stacks is "VSP_SN01_UserDataDisk01".) For this reason, do not set resource type names such as "instance" in ClusterName.

    • In the case of Single-AZ configuration, no number is suffixed to AvailabilityZone, ControlSubnetId, InterNodeSubnetId, and ComputeSubnetId.

    • In the case of Multi-AZ configuration, select the IDs of each subnet created in the Availability Zones specified for ControlSubnetId1, InterNodeSubnetId1, ComputeSubnetId1, and AvailabilityZone1. Select the IDs similarly for, for example, ControlSubnetId2 or ControlSubnetId3.

    • For details about available instance types of storage nodes, see Storage node requirements.

    • Some of the IPv4 addresses available for each subnet that you specified are automatically allocated to the storage nodes or load balancer.

    • A security group necessary for storage cluster communication is created, and then it is set to each network interface and the load balancer of the storage node EC2 instance.

      A rule that allows for all outbound traffic is set as an outbound rule of each security group.

    • Some resources, such as protection domains and storage pools, are created with fixed resource names.

      The applicable resources and their resource names are as follows.



      Protection domain


      Storage pool


      Fault domain

      Single-AZ configuration: FaultDomain01

      Multi-AZ configuration: FD-<Availability-Zone-ID>

      Storage nodes


      Tiebreaker node


      * <x> assigned to the storage node name is the storage node number, and a different number is assigned to each storage node. The numbering starts with 01.

  12. No settings are required in the Configure stack options window. Click Next.
  13. In the Review and create window, confirm the settings, click Submit, and then verify that the VSP One SDS Block installation completes.

    The approximate time required until processing completes might differ depending on the configuration, but it takes approximately 30 minutes in a configuration of three or six storage nodes.

    • When the message "The following resource(s) require capabilities:" appears, select the check box.

    • In addition to the number of configured storage nodes, the following external factors might increase or decrease the processing time. If processing takes a long time, verify that there are no problems with the following items:

      • Load status of AWS
      • Network communication status (mutual communication status between the controller node, storage node, and AWS)
      • Performance status of the instance
    1. Verify that the status of the created stack becomes "UPDATE_COMPLETE" (This status update is performed multiple times.).
    2. Click the Output tab of the created stack.
    3. Verify that the InstallationStatus value becomes Completed.
  14. Confirm the information of the target group (TargetGroupHttps, TargetGroupSnmp).
    1. Search the stack with the name that you specified in step 11 to view the created stack.
    2. In the Resources tab, click the link of the physical ID of the following.

      In Mirroring Duplication: StorageClusterDuplication

      In HPEC 4D+2P: StorageCluster4D2P

    3. After the stack window opens, in the Resources tab, click the physical ID link of NetworkResources.
    4. After the stack window of NetworkResources opens, in the Resources tab, click the physical ID link of TargetGroupHttps.
    5. In the target group list window, click the name of <ClusterName>-TargetHttps.

      Verify that Total targets shows 3 for Mirroring Duplication and 5 for HPEC 4D+2P, and that Healthy shows 1.

    6. In the Resources tab displayed in step 14-d, confirm TargetGroupSnmp (similarly to steps 14-d and 14-e).
  15. Confirm information about the IP address and DNS name.
    1. Search the stack with the name that you specified in step 11 to view the created stack.
    2. In the Resources tab, click the link of the physical ID of the following.

      In Mirroring Duplication: StorageClusterDuplication

      In HPEC 4D+2P: StorageCluster4D2P

    3. After the stack window opens, in the Resources tab, click the physical ID link of NetworkResources.
    4. After the stack window of NetworkResources opens, confirm the following in the Output tab.
      • Confirm the IP address for the control network of each storage node with ControlNetworkXXIpv4Address values (where XX is the storage node number).
      • Confirm the ELBName value.
      • Confirm the ELBDNSName value. The ELBDNSName value is the DNS name of the load balancer.
    5. In the navigation pane of the EC2 console, select Network Interfaces.
    6. Search and confirm the IP address of the load balancer by using the ELBName value that you confirmed in step 15-d.

    The IP address of the load balancer is used as the access destination from the VSP One SDS Block Administrator, CLI, or REST API of the storage cluster. In the case of Multi-AZ configuration, use a DNS name for access. If you use an IP address for access, access becomes impossible when failure occurs in an Availability Zone.

    • Transfers from VSP One SDS Block to external servers (such as Syslog and SNMP transfers) do not pass through the load balancer, and the source IP address remains the IP address of each node’s control network. If you register a source IP address when configuring a receiving server (for example, for Syslog transfer or SNMP transfer), specify all IP addresses of the control network for each cluster master node, not the IP address assigned to the load balancer.
    • If the InstallationStatus value is InProgress, installation is in progress. Refresh the window after a while to verify that the InstallationStatus value changes. Also, if the InstallationStatus value is Failed, the operation is unsuccessful. In such a case, see Identify the failure in the VSP One SDS Block Troubleshooting Guide.
    • If an error occurs in AWS quotas (service limit) during VSP One SDS Block setup, increase the applicable service limit, and then set up VSP One SDS Block again.