Information that is output in audit logs

Virtual Storage Platform One SDS Block Audit Log Guide

Part Number

"Type of audit event" and "Audit event" in the message part of an audit log provide summary information about the audit log. "Detailed information" is output depending on the event.

The following are the types of audit events:

  • AnomalyEvent: Indicates that an abnormality occurred (for example, a threshold was exceeded).

  • Authentication: Indicates that authentication or authorization processing was performed.

  • ConfigurationAccess: Indicates the occurrence of a configuration change and the associated change in job status.

  • Maintenance: Indicates that a maintenance operation was performed.

  • StartStop: Indicates a start or stop of the storage cluster.

The following table shows audit events and their description and detailed information categorized by each type of audit event.

Type of audit event: AnomalyEvent

Audit event


Detailed information


The number of untransferred audit logs exceeded 70% of the maximum limit.



The maximum number of untransferred audit logs has been reached.



Indicates that the generated audit event includes information about violation of the unified specification for Hitachi storage security products.

If this audit event name is output, contact customer support.

The following information about the generated audit event is output:

  • Priority

  • Type of audit event

  • Result of audit event

  • Subject identification

  • Request source host

  • Request source port

  • Request destination host

  • Request destination port

  • Application identification

  • External interface

  • Audit event

  • Detailed information

Type of audit event: Authentication

Audit event


Detailed information


Indicates that authentication did not succeed.

For ticket authentication, the upper 8 digits of the SHA-256 hash of the ticket are output.


Indicates that Basic authentication was performed.

(Virtual machine) None

(Bare metal)(Cloud) If authentication to the console interface is performed, the ID of the storage node is output.




Indicates that session authentication did not succeed.

Not output when session authentication succeeded.



Indicates that ticket authentication was performed.

The upper 8 digits of the SHA-256 hash of the ticket are output.


Indicates that CHAP authentication was performed.



Indicates that login operation was performed for Command Control Interface.



Indicates that logout operation was performed for Command Control Interface.


Type of audit event: ConfigurationAccess

Audit event


Detailed information


Indicates that the job is in one of the following states:

  • STARTED: The job was started.

  • SUCCEEDED: The job succeeded.

  • FAILED: The job did not succeed.

  • STOPPED: The job was stopped.

Although <CLI-subcommand-name> indicates the operation that started the job, it does not necessarily indicate an operation through CLI. <CLI-subcommand-name> also covers any operations through REST API or VSP One SDS Block Administrator.1

The job ID (JobID) of the applicable event is output.2




Indicates that the configuration information has been changed or set.



Indicates that the storage cluster accepted a user operation.

Although <CLI-subcommand-name> indicates the details of a user operation, it does not necessarily indicate an operation through CLI. <CLI-subcommand-name> also covers any operations through REST API or VSP One SDS Block Administrator.1

The input information (REST API name + input parameter) received by the REST server and job ID are output.2, 3

Parameters that are not specified by the user are displayed with default values. Internal parameters may also be displayed.

The input information and the job ID are delimited by a comma.


DetailedInformation=DELETE v1/objects/volumes/20bcba3c-db6a-45c6-b5a6-f39c08f3fd1a id=20bcba3c-db6a-45c6-b5a6-f39c08f3fd1a Accept-Language=en, jobId=772ebfa4-074b-4d38-a5a3-c6c3d7a40b7a


Indicates that control port configuration was performed through the console interface.

The ID of the target storage node is output.




Indicates that encryption keys have been allocated to resources to be encrypted. 5

The following information is output.

  • StorageNodeId: When TargetType is "Drive", the ID of the storage node where the drive to be encrypted is installed is output.

  • EncryptionKeyId: ID of the target encryption key.

  • TargetType: Type of the resource to be encrypted. The type is fixed to "Drive

  • TargetInformation: ID of the resource to be encrypted.

  • TargetName: Name of the resource to be encrypted. When TargetType is "Drive", a WWID (WWN) is output.




Indicates that encryption keys allocated to resources to be encrypted have been deleted. 5

The following information is output.

  • StorageNodeId: When TargetType is "Drive", the ID of the storage node where the drive to be encrypted is installed is output.

  • EncryptionKeyId: ID of the target encryption key.

  • TargetType: Type of the resource to be encrypted. The type is fixed to "Drive

  • TargetInformation: ID of the resource to be encrypted.

  • TargetName: Name of the resource to be encrypted. When TargetType is "Drive", a WWID (WWN) is output.




Indicates that pair creation operation was performed by using Command Control Interface.

The following information is output.

  • Command: Command name.
  • Copy Kind: Fixed to Remote.
  • P-VOL (Port-LUN-LDEV): Port number, LU number, and LDEV number of the primary volume. The LU number indicates the absolute LUN of Command Control Interface. For details about absolute LUNs of Command Control Interface, see the Command Control Interface Installation and Configuration Guide.
  • S-VOL (Port-LUN-LDEV): Port number, LU number, and LDEV number of the secondary volume. The LU number indicates the absolute LUN of Command Control Interface. For details about absolute LUNs of Command Control Interface, see the Command Control Interface Installation and Configuration Guide.
  • MCU S/N: Serial number of the local storage system.
  • RCU S/N: Serial number of the remote storage system.
  • Virtual Storage Machine S/N: Serial number of the virtual storage machine. A value is output when a virtual storage machine is specified.
  • Write Permission (Update Copy Error): Setting status of the write permission at the time of update copy failure.

    • Enable: Enabled.
    • Disable: Disabled.
  • Write Permission (RCU Suspend Failure): Setting status of the write permission to the local storage system at the time of suspend instruction failure in the remote storage system.

    • Enable: Enabled.
    • Disable: Disabled.
  • Initial Copy: Types of pair creation operations .

    • Entire: Creates a pair and copies data from a primary volume to a secondary volume.
    • None: Creates a pair, but does not copy data from a primary volume to a secondary volume.
  • Copy Pace (TRK): Track size at the time of copy.
  • JNL ID Option: Indicates whether the option (-jp or -js) for specifying the journal ID has been specified.

    • Enable: Specified.
    • Disable: Not specified.

    Disable is output for operations other than Universal Replicator pair operations.

  • CTG ID: Consistency group ID. When the consistency group option (-fg) has not been specified, 0 is output.
  • CTG Mode (Multi): Indicates whether registration to consistency groups between multiple storage systems has been specified.

    • Enable: Specified.
    • Disable: Not specified.

    Disable is output for operations other than Universal Replicator pair operations.

  • Paircreate Mode (Diff): Pair creation mode.

    • Normal: Normal mode.
    • Diff: Difference mode.

    Normal is output for operations other than Universal Replicator pair operations.

  • CTG Option: Indicates whether the consistency group option (-fg) has been specified.

    • Enable: Specified.
    • Disable: Not specified.
  • CTO Option: Indicates whether the CTO option (-cto) has been specified.

    • Enable: Specified.
    • Disable: Not specified.
  • Inflow Control: Setting status of the inflow restriction mode.

    • Enable: Enabled.
    • Disable: Disabled.

    A value is output when the CTO option has been specified.

  • Offloading Timer(s): Timeout value for the inflow restriction mode (unit: seconds). A value is output when the CTO option has been specified or the inflow restriction mode is enabled.
  • M-JNL: Master journal number. A value is output for Universal Replicator pair operations.
  • R-JNL: Restore journal number. A value is output for Universal Replicator pair operations.
  • Quorum Disk ID: Quorum disk ID. A value is output for global-active device pair operations.
  • Device Option: Indicates whether the volume name defined in a configuration definition file is to be used.

    • Enable: Used.
    • Disable: Not used.
  • IO Preference Mode: I/O priority mode when failure occurs in a remote path between a primary storage system and secondary storage system and communication is not possible (I/O priority mode at the time of remote path failure). A value is output when the I/O priority mode at the time of remote path failure has been specified.

    • P-VOL: Mode in which primary volumes take priority.


Command=Paircreate(RemoteCopy),Copy Kind=Remote,P-VOL(Port-LUN-LDEV)=1A-1-0x13,S-VOL(Port-LUN-LDEV)=1A-1-0x13,MCU S/N=208494,RCU S/N=298517,Virtual Storage Machine S/N=,Write Permission(Update Copy Error)=Enable,Write Permission(RCU Suspend Failure)=Enable,Initial Copy=Entire,Copy Pace(TRK)=3,JNL ID Option=Enable,CTG ID=0,CTG Mode(Multi)=Disable,Paircreate Mode(Diff)=Normal,CTG Option=Disable,CTO Option=Disable,Inflow Control=,Offloading Timer(s)=,M-JNL=0,R-JNL=0,Quorum Disk ID=,Device Option=Disable,IO Preference Mode=


Indicates that pair resynchronization operation was performed by using Command Control Interface.

The following information is output.

  • Command: Command name.
  • Copy Kind: Fixed to Remote.
  • P-VOL (Port-LUN-LDEV): Port number, LU number, and LDEV number of the primary volume. The LU number indicates the absolute LUN of Command Control Interface. For details about absolute LUNs of Command Control Interface, see the Command Control Interface Installation and Configuration Guide.
  • S-VOL (Port-LUN-LDEV): Port number, LU number, and LDEV number of the secondary volume. The LU number indicates the absolute LUN of Command Control Interface. For details about absolute LUNs of Command Control Interface, see the Command Control Interface Installation and Configuration Guide. No value is output when the option (-swaps or -swapp) has been specified.
  • MCU S/N: Serial number of the local storage system.
  • RCU S/N: Serial number of the remote storage system. No value is output when the option (-swaps or -swapp) has been specified.
  • Virtual Storage Machine S/N: Serial number of the virtual storage machine. A value is output when a virtual storage machine is specified.
  • Write Permission (Update Copy Error): Setting status of the write permission at the time of update copy failure.

    • Enable: Enabled.
    • Disable: Disabled.

    Enable is output when the option (-swaps or -swapp) has been specified.

  • Write Permission (RCU Suspend Failure): Setting status of the write permission to the local storage system at the time of suspend instruction failure in the remote storage system.

    • Enable: Enabled.
    • Disable: Disabled.

    Enable is output when the option (-swaps or -swapp) has been specified.

  • Copy Pace (TRK): Track size at the time of copy.
  • JNL ID Option: Indicates whether the option (-jp or -js) for specifying the journal ID has been specified.

    • Enable: Specified.
    • Disable: Not specified.

    Disable is output for operations other than Universal Replicator pair operations.

  • CTG ID: Consistency group ID. No value is output when the option (-swaps or -swapp) has been specified.
  • Resync-SWAP: Indicates whether the option (-swaps or -swapp) has been specified.

    • Enable: Specified.
    • Disable: Not specified.
  • CTG Mode (Multi): Indicates whether registration to consistency groups between multiple storage systems has been specified.

    • Enable: Specified.
    • Disable: Not specified.

    Disable is output for operations other than Universal Replicator pair operations.

  • CTG Option: Indicates whether the consistency group option (-fg) has been specified.

    • Enable: Specified.
    • Disable: Not specified.

    Disable is output when an option (-swaps or -swapp) has been specified and Universal Replicator pair operation is performed.

  • CTO Option: Indicates whether the CTO option (-cto) has been specified.

    • Enable: Specified.
    • Disable: Not specified.
  • Inflow Control: Setting status of the inflow restriction mode.

    • Enable: Enabled.
    • Disable: Disabled.

    A value is output when the CTO option has been specified.

  • Offloading Timer(s): Timeout value for the inflow restriction mode (unit: seconds). A value is output when the CTO option has been specified or the inflow restriction mode is enabled.
  • Device Option: Indicates whether the volume name defined in a configuration definition file is to be used.

    • Enable: Used.
    • Disable: Not used.
  • IO Preference Mode: I/O priority mode when failure occurs in a remote path between a primary storage system and secondary storage system and communication is not possible (I/O priority mode at the time of remote path failure). A value is output when the I/O priority mode at the time of remote path failure has been specified.

    • P-VOL: Mode in which primary volumes take priority.
    • Disable: The I/O priority mode at the time of remote path failure is disabled.


Command=Pairresync(RemoteCopy),Copy Kind=Remote,P-VOL(Port-LUN-LDEV)=1A-1-0x13,S-VOL(Port-LUN-LDEV)=1A-1-0x13,MCU S/N=208494,RCU S/N=298517,Virtual Storage Machine S/N=,Write Permission(Update Copy Error)=Enable,Write Permission(RCU Suspend Failure)=Enable,Copy Pace(TRK)=3,JNL ID Option=Enable,CTG ID=,Resync-SWAP=Disable,CTG Mode(Multi)=Disable,CTG Option=Disable,CTO Option=Disable,Inflow Control=,Offloading Timer(s)=,Device Option=Disable,IO Preference Mode=


Indicates that pair split operation was performed by using Command Control Interface.

The following information is output.

  • Command: Command name.
  • Copy Kind: Fixed to Remote.
  • P-VOL (Port-LUN-LDEV): Port number, LU number, and LDEV number of the primary volume. The LU number indicates the absolute LUN of Command Control Interface. For details about absolute LUNs of Command Control Interface, see the Command Control Interface Installation and Configuration Guide.

    No value is output when the option (-RS) has been specified.

    No value is output when the option (-iomd) has been specified for the secondary volume.

  • S-VOL (Port-LUN-LDEV): Port number, LU number, and LDEV number of the secondary volume. The LU number indicates the absolute LUN of Command Control Interface. For details about absolute LUNs of Command Control Interface, see the Command Control Interface Installation and Configuration Guide.
  • MCU S/N: Serial number of the local storage system.

    No value is output when the option (-RS) has been specified.

    No value is output when the option (-iomd) has been specified for the secondary volume.

  • RCU S/N: Serial number of the remote storage system.
  • Range: Indicates the range of pair split.

    • Group: Pairs are split in units of consistency groups.
    • LU: Pairs are split in units of LUs.
  • Virtual Storage Machine S/N: Serial number of the virtual storage machine. A value is output when a virtual storage machine is specified.
  • Suspend Status: Indicates whether writing to primary volumes is possible after splitting TrueCopy pairs.

    • P-VOL Failure: Writing is not possible.
    • S-VOL Suspend: Writing is possible.

    "S-VOL Suspend" is output for operations other than TrueCopy pair operations.

  • S-VOL Write Permission (Suspend): Setting status of the write permission to the secondary volume at the time of suspending.

    • Enable: Enabled.
    • Disable: Disabled.
  • P-VOL Write Permission (Force Suspend): Setting status of the write permission to the primary volume at the time of forced suspending.

    • Enable: Enabled.
    • Disable: Disabled.
  • Side File Liberation Kind: Side file liberation type.

    • Flush: Flush specification.
    • Purge: Purge specification.
  • Rewind: Indicates whether the pair status change from SSWS back to PSUS/PSUE is instructed.

    • Normal Suspend: The pair status change from SSWS back to PSUS/PSUE is not instructed.
    • Rewind: The pair status change from SSWS back to PSUS/PSUE is instructed.
  • CTG ID: Consistency group ID. No value is output when the consistency group option (-fg) has not been specified.
  • CTG Option: Indicates whether the consistency group option (-fg) has been specified.

    • Enable: Specified.
    • Disable: Not specified.
  • IO Mode: Indicates contents of the I/O mode change of global-active device pairs. A value is displayed only when the option (-iomd) has been specified.

    • Local: Changes to Local.
    • Block: Changes to Block.


Command=Pairsplit(RemoteCopy),Copy Kind=Remote,P-VOL(Port-LUN-LDEV)=1A-1-0x13,S-VOL(Port-LUN-LDEV)=1A-1-0x13,MCU S/N=208494,RCU S/N=298517,Range=Group,Virtual Storage Machine S/N=,Suspend Status=S-VOL Suspend,S-VOL Write Permission(Suspend)=Disable,P-VOL Write Permission(Force Suspend)=Disable,Side File Liberation Kind=Flush,Rewind=,CTG ID=,CTG Option=Disable,IO Mode=


Indicates that pair deletion operation was performed by using Command Control Interface.

The following information is output.

  • Command: Command name.
  • Copy Kind: Fixed to Remote.
  • P-VOL (Port-LUN-LDEV): Port number, LU number, and LDEV number of the primary volume. The LU number indicates the absolute LUN of Command Control Interface. For details about absolute LUNs of Command Control Interface, see the Command Control Interface Installation and Configuration Guide.

    No value is output when the option (-R) has been specified.

  • S-VOL (Port-LUN-LDEV): Port number, LU number, and LDEV number of the secondary volume. The LU number indicates the absolute LUN of Command Control Interface. For details about absolute LUNs of Command Control Interface, see the Command Control Interface Installation and Configuration Guide.
  • MCU S/N: Serial number of the local storage system.

    No value is output when the option (-R) has been specified.

  • RCU S/N: Serial number of the remote storage system.
  • Virtual Storage Machine S/N: Serial number of the virtual storage machine. A value is output when a virtual storage machine is specified.
  • Delete Range: The range of pair deletion.

    • Group: Pairs are deleted in units of consistency groups.
    • LU: Pairs are deleted in units of LUs.
  • Force: Setting status of the forced-deletion instruction for pairs.

    • Enable: Enabled.
    • Disable: Disabled.
  • Invisible: Indicates whether access from hosts is allowed after deleting pairs.

    • Enable: Deletes the virtual LDEV ID of the local storage system volume to forbid access from hosts.
    • Disable: Retains the virtual LDEV ID of the local storage system volume to allow access from hosts.
  • Type: Type of the volume for which pair deletion is to be performed.

    • P-VOL: Primary volume.
    • S-VOL: Secondary volume.


Command=Pairsplit-S(RemoteCopy),Copy Kind=Remote,P-VOL(Port-LUN-LDEV)=1A-1-0x13,S-VOL(Port-LUN-LDEV)=1A-1-0x13,MCU S/N=208494,RCU S/N=298517,Virtual Storage Machine S/N=,Delete Range=Group,Force=Disable,Invisible=Disable,Type=PVOL


Indicates that either of the following operations was performed.

  • Operation that was expected to cause the capacity (assigned by the license on AWS License Manager in the storage cluster) to be exceeded was performed according to the storage cluster license setting (overcapacityAllowed: true).
  • Operation was performed with an expired license on AWS License Manager or with the capacity to be assigned unconfirmed due to communication with AWS License Manager being lost.

The following information is output.

  • OvercapacityAllowed: Setting to determine whether to allow an operation that is expected to cause the capacity (assigned by the license on AWS License Manager) to be exceeded, or in the situation where capacity cannot be confirmed.
  • PermittedCapacityInTiB: Capacity assigned by the license on AWS License Manager (unit: TiB). If capacity cannot be confirmed, null is output.
  • TotalPoolCapacityInTiB: Expected logical capacity of the storage pool after operation (unit: TiB).



1. Depending on the operation, a CLI subcommand name that is not described in the VSP One SDS Block CLI Reference might be displayed. The subcommand names and their meanings are as follows:

  • STORAGE_ADD_NODE: Adding storage nodes

  • CONFIGURATION_UPLOAD: Transferring configuration files

  • CONFIGURATION_FILE_IMPORT: Importing configuration files

  • PARTIAL_CONFIGURATION_FILE_CREATE: Exporting configuration files and creating configuration backup files

    When exporting of configuration files or creating of configuration backup files starts, audit logs are recorded at the time of starting and completion of the storage cluster processing. If exporting of configuration files or creating of configuration backup files is unsuccessful entirely, the audit logs recorded at the time of starting and completion of the storage cluster processing might show the processing has completed successfully.

  • CONFIGURATION_BACKUP_FILE_DOWNLOAD: Downloading configuration backup files

  • STORAGE_SET_SERVICE_ID: Setting the service ID of the storage cluster

  • STORAGE_NODE_DUMP_FILE_CREATE_FILE: Creating a dump log file by using the VSP One SDS Block Administrator

  • STORAGE_NODE_DUMP_FILE_DOWNLOAD: Downloading a dump log file by using the VSP One SDS Block Administrator

  • STORAGE_NODE_DUMP_FILE_DELETE: Deleting a dump log file by using the VSP One SDS Block Administrator



  • STORAGE_NODE_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER_POLLING_MODE_SHOW: Obtaining the configuration parameter setting mode

  • STORAGE_MODIFY_CONFIGURATION: Changing and setting configuration information

2. Job information is not output to the audit log for the following operations among configuration change operations:

  • User management

  • Edition of user authentication settings

  • Session management

3. When performing the following operations, a REST API that is not described in the VSP One SDS Block REST API Reference might be generated:

  • Adding storage nodes

  • Transferring configuration files

  • Importing configuration files

  • Exporting configuration files

  • Creating a configuration backup file

  • Creating, downloading, and deleting a dump log file by using the VSP One SDS Block Administrator

  • Changing and setting configuration information

  • When service personnel or maintenance personnel set the service ID of the storage cluster

4. Some characters in "Detailed information" are replaced with certain types of characters:

  • Confidential information such as a password is replaced with asterisks (*).

  • 0x00 to 0x1F (NULL and other characters), 0x2C (comma), and 0x7F (DEL) in ASCII code are replaced with question marks ("?": 0x3F in ASCII code).

5. Duplicate audit logs might be output in the following cases because the same processing is being reperformed. However, this causes no problem in processing.

  • When the cluster master node (primary) failed over during processing involving encryption keys

  • When failure occurred during configuration restore and configuration restore was reperformed.

Type of audit event: Maintenance

Audit event


Detailed information


Indicates that Maintenance mode is enabled.



Indicates that Rescue mode is enabled.



Indicates that the write back mode with cache protection is ready to be enabled/disabled.

Indicates the status of write back mode with cache protection.

write back mode with cache protection = {Enabling | Disabling}

  • Enabling: Write back mode with cache protection is in the process of being enabled.
  • Disabling: Write back mode with cache protection is in the process of being disabled.


Indicates completion of enabling/disabling write back mode with cache protection.

Indicates the status of write back mode with cache protection.

write back mode with cache protection = {Enabled | Disabled}

  • Enabled: Write back mode with cache protection is enabled.
  • Disabled: Write back mode with cache protection is disabled.

Type of audit event: StartStop

Audit event


Detailed information


Indicates that the storage cluster started.
