The following information can be obtained for a VPS to which to belong.
id: ID of a virtual private storage (VPS)
name: Name of a virtual private storage (VPS)
upperLimitForNumberOfUserGroups: Upper limit for the number of user groups for a virtual private storage (VPS)
numberOfUserGroupsCreated: Number of created user groups for a virtual private storage (VPS)
upperLimitForNumberOfUsers: Upper limit for the number of users for a virtual private storage (VPS)
numberOfUsersCreated: Number of created users for a virtual private storage (VPS)
upperLimitForNumberOfSessions: Upper limit for the number of sessions for a virtual private storage (VPS)
numberOfSessionsCreated: Number of created sessions for a virtual private storage (VPS)
upperLimitForNumberOfServers: Upper limit for the number of compute nodes for a virtual private storage (VPS)
numberOfServersCreated: Number of created compute nodes for a virtual private storage (VPS)
upperLimitForNumberOfHbas: Upper limit for the number of initiators for a virtual private storage (VPS)
numberOfHbasCreated: Number of created initiators for a virtual private storage (VPS)
upperLimitForNumberOfVolumeServerConnections: Upper limit for the amount of information about connections between volumes and compute nodes for a virtual private storage (VPS)
numberOfVolumeServerConnectionsCreated: Amount of information about connections between created volumes and compute nodes for a virtual private storage (VPS)
volumeSettings: Information about volumes of a virtual private storage (VPS)
poolId: ID of a storage pool to be used
upperLimitForNumberOfVolumes: Upper limit for the number of volumes for a virtual private storage (VPS)
numberOfVolumesCreated: Number of created volumes for a virtual private storage (VPS)
upperLimitForCapacityOfVolumes: Upper limit for the total capacity of volumes for a virtual private storage (VPS) [MiB]
capacityOfVolumesCreated: Total capacity of created volumes for a virtual private storage (VPS) [MiB]
upperLimitForCapacityOfSingleVolume: Upper limit for the capacity of a single volume for a virtual private storage (VPS) [MiB]
savingSettingOfVolume: Setting of the data reduction function for volumes in a VPS
savingModeOfVolume: Processing mode of the data reduction function for a VPS
upperLimitForIops: Upper limit for volume performance [IOPS] for a virtual private storage (VPS)
upperLimitForThroughput: Upper limit for volume performance [MiB/sec] for a virtual private storage (VPS)
upperLimitForAlertThreshold: Alert threshold [sec] for the upper limit of volume performance for a virtual private storage (VPS)
Required role: VpsSecurity, VpsStorage, or VpsMonitor
REST API: GET /v1/objects/virtual-private-storages
CLI: vps_list