Obtaining information about individual volumes

Virtual Storage Platform One SDS Block Virtual Private Storage Administrator Guide

Part Number

The following information can be obtained for the volume with the ID specified.

  • reservedCapacity: Reserved logical capacity [MiB]

  • freeCapacity: Free logical capacity [MiB]

  • luns:

    • List of volume LUNs for FC or iSCSI connection

    • (Virtual machine)(Bare metal) Always null for NVMe/TCP connection

  • nameSpaceId:
    • Always null for FC or iSCSI connection

    • (Virtual machine)(Bare metal) Namespace in the case of NVMe/TCP connection

  • nvmSubSystemNqn:
    • Always null for FC or iSCSI connection

    • (Virtual machine)(Bare metal) Subsystem identification in the case of NVMe/TCP connection

  • snapshotProgressRate: Progress rate of preparation for, deleting, and restoring snapshot volumes [%]

  • snapshotTimestamp: For S-VOL or P/S-VOL, time when recording of difference data started for the P-VOL at the time of snapshot creation

  • snapshotType: Snapshot type ("Snapshot" for S-VOL or P/S-VOL, null for others)

  • dataReductionEffects: Effect of the data reduction function
  • snapshotConcordanceRate: Match rate between the target volume and one newer generation of S-VOL or copy-source volume [%]

  • isWrittenInSvol: Whether the volume can be written from the controller node

  • id: ID (uuid) of the intended volume

  • name: Name of the intended volume

  • nickname: Nickname of the intended volume

  • volumeNumber: Number of the intended volume

  • poolId: ID (uuid) of the storage pool

  • poolName: Name of the storage pool

  • totalCapacity: Total logical capacity [MiB]

  • usedCapacity: Consumed logical capacity [MiB]

  • numberOfConnectingServers: Number of connected compute nodes

  • numberOfSnapshots: Number of snapshots

  • protectionDomainId: ID (uuid) of the protection domain containing the intended volume

  • fullAllocated: Whether all the area where user data is written is allocated in advance

  • volumeType: List of volume types (attributes)

  • universalReplicatorAttribute: Attribute of asynchronous remote copy

  • isRemoteCopySupported: Whether the volume is available for asynchronous remote copy

  • statusSummary: Summary of statuses of volumes

  • status: Status of each volume

  • storageControllerId: ID (uuid) of the storage controller that manages this volume.

  • snapshotAttribute: Attributes of snapshots

  • snapshotStatus: Statuses of snapshots

  • savingSetting: Setting of the data reduction function

  • savingMode: Processing mode of the data reduction function

  • dataReductionStatus: Status of the data reduction function

  • dataReductionProgressRate: Progress rate of the data reduction function [%]

  • vpsId: ID of the VPS to which the intended volume belongs

  • vpsName: Name of the VPS to which the intended volume belongs

  • qosParam: QoS-related parameter

    • upperLimitForIops: Upper limit for volume performance [IOPS]

    • upperLimitForTransferRate: Upper limit for volume performance [MiB/sec]

    • upperAlertAllowableTime: Alert threshold value for the upper limit of volume performance [sec]

    • upperAlertTime: The last time the upper limit of volume performance was continuously exceeded and the conditions for the alert threshold of the performance upper limit were met (UTC)

  • naaId: NAA ID of the VPS to which the intended volume belongs

  • Required role: VpsSecurity, VpsStorage, VpsRemoteCopy, or VpsMonitor

  1. Verify the ID of the intended volume.

    If you use the CLI to specify a volume by name, check the name of the volume.

    REST API: GET /v1/objects/volumes

    CLI: volume_list

  2. Obtain information about the intended volume.

    Run either of the following commands with the volume ID specified.

    If you use the CLI, you can specify a name instead of the ID of the volume.

    REST API: GET /v1/objects/volumes/<id>

    CLI: volume_show