The following information can be obtained for the volume with the ID specified.
reservedCapacity: Reserved logical capacity [MiB]
freeCapacity: Free logical capacity [MiB]
List of volume LUNs for FC or iSCSI connection
(Virtual machine)(Bare metal) Always null for NVMe/TCP connection
Always null for FC or iSCSI connection
(Virtual machine)(Bare metal) Namespace in the case of NVMe/TCP connection
Always null for FC or iSCSI connection
(Virtual machine)(Bare metal) Subsystem identification in the case of NVMe/TCP connection
snapshotProgressRate: Progress rate of preparation for, deleting, and restoring snapshot volumes [%]
snapshotTimestamp: For S-VOL or P/S-VOL, time when recording of difference data started for the P-VOL at the time of snapshot creation
snapshotType: Snapshot type ("Snapshot" for S-VOL or P/S-VOL, null for others)
- dataReductionEffects: Effect of the data reduction function
snapshotConcordanceRate: Match rate between the target volume and one newer generation of S-VOL or copy-source volume [%]
isWrittenInSvol: Whether the volume can be written from the controller node
id: ID (uuid) of the intended volume
name: Name of the intended volume
nickname: Nickname of the intended volume
volumeNumber: Number of the intended volume
poolId: ID (uuid) of the storage pool
poolName: Name of the storage pool
totalCapacity: Total logical capacity [MiB]
usedCapacity: Consumed logical capacity [MiB]
numberOfConnectingServers: Number of connected compute nodes
numberOfSnapshots: Number of snapshots
protectionDomainId: ID (uuid) of the protection domain containing the intended volume
fullAllocated: Whether all the area where user data is written is allocated in advance
volumeType: List of volume types (attributes)
universalReplicatorAttribute: Attribute of asynchronous remote copy
isRemoteCopySupported: Whether the volume is available for asynchronous remote copy
statusSummary: Summary of statuses of volumes
status: Status of each volume
storageControllerId: ID (uuid) of the storage controller that manages this volume.
snapshotAttribute: Attributes of snapshots
snapshotStatus: Statuses of snapshots
savingSetting: Setting of the data reduction function
savingMode: Processing mode of the data reduction function
dataReductionStatus: Status of the data reduction function
dataReductionProgressRate: Progress rate of the data reduction function [%]
vpsId: ID of the VPS to which the intended volume belongs
vpsName: Name of the VPS to which the intended volume belongs
qosParam: QoS-related parameter
upperLimitForIops: Upper limit for volume performance [IOPS]
upperLimitForTransferRate: Upper limit for volume performance [MiB/sec]
upperAlertAllowableTime: Alert threshold value for the upper limit of volume performance [sec]
upperAlertTime: The last time the upper limit of volume performance was continuously exceeded and the conditions for the alert threshold of the performance upper limit were met (UTC)
naaId: NAA ID of the VPS to which the intended volume belongs
Required role: VpsSecurity, VpsStorage, VpsRemoteCopy, or VpsMonitor