Obtaining a list of information about compute nodes

Virtual Storage Platform One SDS Block Virtual Private Storage Administrator Guide

Part Number

The following information can be obtained.

  • id: IDs (uuid) of compute nodes

  • nickname: Nicknames of compute nodes

  • osType: OS types of compute nodes

  • totalCapacity: Total capacity of the volumes on the storage pool allocated to the compute node [MiB]

  • usedCapacity: Consumed amount of the volumes on the storage pool allocated to the compute node [MiB]

  • numberOfPaths: Number of registered paths

  • vpsId: ID of the VPS to which compute nodes belong

  • vpsName: Name of the VPS to which compute nodes belong

  • Required role: VpsSecurity, VpsStorage, or VpsMonitor

Obtain a list of information about compute nodes.

REST API: GET /v1/objects/servers

CLI: server_list