Obtaining a list of information about allocation of volumes to compute nodes

Virtual Storage Platform One SDS Block Virtual Private Storage Administrator Guide

Part Number

The following information can be obtained.

  • id: IDs of compute node allocation information (each ID is a string consisting of a volume ID and a compute node ID connected by a Comma (,))

  • serverId: IDs (uuid) of compute nodes

  • volumeId: IDs (uuid) of volumes

  • lun:

    • LUN for FC or iSCSI connection
    • (Virtual machine)(Bare metal) Always null for NVMe/TCP connection
  • nameSpaceId:
    • Always null for FC or iSCSI connection

    • (Virtual machine)(Bare metal) Namespace for NVMe/TCP connection

  • nvmSubSystemNqn:
    • Always null for FC or iSCSI connection

    • (Virtual machine)(Bare metal) Subsystem identification for NVMe/TCP connection

  • vpsId: ID of the VPS to which volume paths belong

  • vpsName: Name of the VPS to which volume paths belong

  • Required role: VpsSecurity, VpsStorage, or VpsMonitor

  1. Verify the IDs of volumes.

    REST API: GET /v1/objects/volumes

    CLI: volume_list

  2. Verify the IDs of compute nodes.

    REST API: GET /v1/objects/servers

    CLI: server_list

  3. Obtain a list of information about allocation of volumes to compute nodes.

    Run one of the following commands with the volume ID and compute node ID specified in the query parameter.

    REST API: GET /v1/objects/volume-server-connections

    CLI: volume_server_connection_list