Obtaining CHAP user information

Virtual Storage Platform One SDS Block System Administrator Guide

Part Number

The following information can be obtained.

  • portIds: List of compute port IDs (uuid) which the CHAP user is allowed to access with CHAP authentication

  • id: CHAP user ID (uuid)

  • targetChapUserName: CHAP user name used for CHAP authentication on the compute port (i.e., target side)

  • initiatorChapUserName: CHAP user name used for CHAP authentication on the initiator side of the compute node

  • Required role: Security

  1. Verify the ID of the CHAP user.

    If you use the CLI to specify a CHAP user with a CHAP user name, check the CHAP user name.

    REST API: GET /v1/objects/chap-users

    CLI: chap_user_list

  2. Obtain CHAP user information with the ID of the CHAP user specified.

    If you use the CLI, you can specify the CHAP user name instead of the CHAP user's ID.

    REST API: GET /v1/objects/chap-users/<chapUserId>

    CLI: chap_user_show