Obtaining a list of information about internode ports

Virtual Storage Platform One SDS Block System Administrator Guide

Part Number

The following information can be obtained.

  • id: Internode port IDs (uuid)

  • storageNodeId: IDs (uuid) of the storage nodes with internode ports

  • macAddress: MAC addresses

  • mtuSize: MTU size [byte]

  • interfaceName: Interface names

  • deviceName: Device name of the NIC

  • configuredPortSpeed: Link speed setting of the physical port used for communication [bps]

  • portSpeedDuplex:

    • (Virtual machine)(Cloud) Always “DependsOnHypervisor”

    • (Bare metal) Actual link speed and duplex settings of the physical port used for communication

  • isTeamingEnabled:

    • (Virtual machine)(Cloud) Always “DependsOnHypervisor”

    • (Bare metal) Whether teaming is enabled/disabled

  • ipv4Information: IPv4 settings of the internode port

  • teaming:

    • (Virtual machine)(Cloud) Always Null

    • (Bare metal) Teaming information of the internode port

  • redundancy: Redundancy of the physical port

  • status: Status of the internode port

    • (Virtual machine)(Cloud) Always “Normal”

    • (Bare metal) "Normal", "Warning", or "Error"

  • statusSummary: Status summary of the internode port

    • (Virtual machine)(Cloud) Always “Normal”

    • (Bare metal) "Normal", "Warning", or "Error"

  • Required role: Security, Storage, RemoteCopy, Monitor, Service, Audit, or Resource

Obtain a list of information about internode ports.

REST API: GET /v1/objects/internode-ports

CLI: internode_port_list