Creating a user

Virtual Storage Platform One SDS Block System Administrator Guide

Part Number

Create a user as follows. When the multi-tenancy function is not used, you can register up to 32 users including built-in users. When the multi-tenancy function is used, the maximum number of users (including built-in users) that do not belong to the VPS is 32, and the maximum number of users that belong to the VPS is 256.

For a user who is authenticated externally, create the user with the same user name as the one on the external authentication server.

The only operation a user who is created can perform initially is to change the password. After changing the password, the user can run any commands allowed for the given role.

  • Required role: Security

  • When creating users in a VPS: Scope of the VPS

  1. Verify the user group ID to which the user is to belong.

    REST API: GET /v1/objects/user-groups

    CLI: user_group_list

  2. Create a user.

    Run either of the following commands with the user ID, password, and user group ID (more than one ID (up to 8) can be specified), and authentication type specified.

    (Bare metal)(Cloud) To permit a user to use the console interface, specify true for isEnabledConsoleLogin.


    (Bare metal)(Cloud)

    • If requiresInitialPasswordReset is set to "true" in the user authentication settings, the console interface is not available to the users created by this function even by granting them permission to use the console interface. Performing the procedure described in Changing your own password allows these users to use the console interface.

    • To permit a user to use the console interface, the following settings are required:

      • The user must belong to a user group to which the Security or Service role is assigned.

      • The authentication type (authentication) must be set to "local".

    To authenticate the user with the external authentication server, specify "external" as the authentication type. (You do not have to specify a password.)

    REST API: POST /v1/objects/users

    CLI: user_create

    After running the command, you receive a response indicating user information.

  3. (Virtual machine)(Bare metal) Back up the configuration information.

    Perform this step by referring to Backing up the configuration information (Virtual machine)(Bare metal).

    If you continue operations with other procedures, you must back up the configuration information after you have completed all operations.