Messages KARS11000-KARS11999

Virtual Storage Platform One SDS Block Message Reference

Part Number

Message ID



Internal processing terminated abnormally.


An unexpected error occurred.


Collect the logs, and then contact customer support.


A license operation failed.


Another process is operating on the license.


Wait a while, and then retry the operation.


A license operation failed.


The operation is not permitted.


that the operation for the license is correct, and then retry the operation. If the same error occurs after retry, collect the logs, and then contact customer support.


License registration failed.


The license key is invalid.


Verify whether the information used to issue the license key is correct. If the information contains an error, obtain the license key with the correct information. If the information is correct, collect the logs, and then contact customer support.


The license could not be registered.


The specified license key has been registered once.


A license key that has been registered once cannot be specified. If the license has already been registered, no action is required. If the license for a function that will be used in the future has been deleted, request re-issue of a new license key, and then register the new license key.


License deletion failed.


The specified license ID is invalid.


Verify a list of licenses and specify the correct license ID.


The license was newly registered. (License ID = xxx)

[Event Name]

New registration of license




The license was updated. (License ID = xxx)

[Event Name]

Update of license




The license was deleted. (License ID = xxx)

[Event Name]

Delete of license




The number of remaining days of the license falls below the warning threshold. (License ID = xxx)

[Event Name]

License expiry date warning




Update the license.


The capacity registered in the storage pool exceeded the licensed capacity warning threshold. (License ID = xxx)

[Event Name]

License capacity limit warning




Consider expanding the licensed capacity.


The license expiry date has passed and is in a grace period. (License ID = xxx)

[Event Name]

License expired




Update the license.


The licensed capacity was exceeded and the license is in a grace period. (License ID = xxx)

[Event Name]

License capacity limit exceeded




Expand the licensed capacity.


The license grace period has expired and no operation is possible. (License ID = xxx)

[Event Name]

License violation




Update the license.


Report to the AWS Marketplace Metering Service was unsuccessful. The current license is invalid. (License ID = xxx, Detailed information = xxx)

[Event Name]

Utility license invalidated




Verify whether the storage node instance can access the Internet. Verify that the VPC has an Internet gateway and that https outbound connections are allowed. Correct any problems as necessary. Then, see the license status. If the license remains invalid, collect the logs, and then contact customer support.


Report to the AWS Marketplace Metering Service was recovered. The license is valid. (License ID = xxx)

[Event Name]

Metering information report recovered




Report to the AWS Marketplace Metering Service was unsuccessful. (License ID = xxx, Detailed information = xxx)

[Event Name]

Metering information reporting failed




Verify whether the storage node instance can access the Internet. Verify that the VPC has an Internet gateway and that https outbound connections are allowed. Correct any problems as necessary. Then, see the license status. If the license remains invalid, collect the logs, and then contact customer support.


An internal processing error occurred while updating the license status.

[Event Name]

Internal error during license status update




See the event logs indicating other errors, if any, and then take action. Then, see the license status. If the license remains invalid, collect the logs, and then contact customer support.


Report to the AWS Metering Service was unsuccessful. An internal processing error occurred while updating the license status following reporting failure.

[Event Name]

Temporary internal error during license status update




No action is required because the problem is only temporary. However, if the same event log is repeatedly output in a short period of time (within three hours as a reference), collect the logs, and then contact customer support.


An internal processing error occurred while reporting to the AWS Marketplace Metering Service.

[Event Name]

Internal error




No action is required because the problem is only temporary. However, if the same event log is repeatedly output in a short period of time (within three hours as a reference), collect the logs, and then contact customer support.


The license key could not be decrypted.


The license key is invalid.


Enter the correct license key, and then retry the operation. If the same error occurs, collect the logs, and then contact customer support.


The license could not be registered.


A license key whose issue time is old has been specified. To register an additional license for the same program product, a license key whose issue time is older than that of the already-registered license cannot be specified. (Program product name = xxx, Current license issue time = xxx, New license issue time = xxx)


Request re-issue of a new license key, and then register the new license key.


A license operation did not succeed.


A valid Perpetual or Subscription base license is required as a prerequisite.


Register a Perpetual or Subscription base license before you register a program product license.


A license operation did not succeed.


If deleting a license causes a base license to be lost, license deletion is not possible.


Verify that the license to be deleted is correct. To register a new base license, you do not need to delete an existing base license.


A license operation did not succeed.


When the encryption environment setting is enabled, a Data At Rest Encryption program product license cannot be deleted.


Disable the encryption environment setting, and then delete the Data At Rest Encryption program product license.