Ethernet management ports 0 and 1

Virtual Storage Platform One File 32 Hardware Reference

Part Number

Ethernet management ports 0 and 1 are standard 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports that are used to connect to the server for management purposes. Two LAN ports (eth0 and eth1) are located on the I/O back panel of the motherboard. Each Ethernet LAN port has two LEDs.

The green LED indicates activity, while the other link LED may be green, amber, or off to indicate the speed of the connection.

Refer to the following tables for more information.

Table. eth0/eth1 Activity LED (Right) LED State
LED Color Status Definition
Green Flashing Active
Table. eth0/eth1 Activity LED (Left) LED State
LED Color Definition
Off No connection/10 Mbps
Amber 1 Gbps
Green 100 Mbps