Setting up by restoring from a backup file

Virtual Storage Platform One File Management Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Part Number
During the first time setup, you can optionally replicate the VSP One File configuration from a local backup file. An example is replicating the configuration on the ESXi host to a standby ESXi host.

To restore from a backup file, the file must be created by using the VSP One File management software. Restore operations are not supported for backup files created by using the Hitachi NAS Platform System Management Unit (SMU).

Restoring overwrites the existing configuration. The restore process might take several minutes. When you restore from a backup, a system restart is required, which disrupts quorum device services.

The restore process might affect the stability of clusters. Verify that clusters are in robust status before starting the restore process.

Ensure that you have the local backup file that you want to restore from and that you have the encryption password for the file. The password was assigned when the backup file was created as described in Backing up the VSP One File configuration. Contact your administrator if you require assistance locating the password.
  1. In the Setup tile, click Restore from Backup to open the restore wizard.

    Click Restore from Backup
  2. In the Upload File page, upload the local backup file, enter the encryption password for the file, and then click Next.

    Upload File page
  3. On the Select Snapshots page, select the snapshot that you want to restore from, accept the prompt to overwrite and replace the existing configuration, and then click Finish.

    Select Snapshots page
    Restore in Progress is shown until the restore completes or fails and Restore Completed or Restore Failed is shown. You can click View Log to view log information for the restore process. The log information is useful for troubleshooting issues when the restore fails.
  4. Click Finish to exit the wizard.