Adding managed servers

Virtual Storage Platform One File Management Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Part Number

You can add multiple storage servers and storage clusters using the First Time Setup wizard.

Tip: After you add servers, you can manage servers as described in Managing servers.

The following video will walk you through adding servers.


  1. In the Add Servers tile, click Start.

    Click start from Add Managed Servers
  2. In the Server Setup page, enter the server IP address and user credential information, and then click Establish Connection.
    Field Description
    Admin IP Enter the IP address of the managed server. This should be the Administration Services IP address as used on the network.
    Username Enter the username used to log in to the managed server. For example, supervisor.
    Password Enter the password associated with the managed server username.
  3. In the Server Info page, enter the server infomation, and then click Next.
    Field Description
    Server Name Enter a name for the managed server.

    The name can contain only alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-). The maximum number of characters is 13.

    Location Enter the location of the managed server.
    Contact Enter a contact number to use when there is an issue with the managed server.
    Note: If you are adding a server that is already configured, skip the Network, Email, Date and Time, and Install Licenses pages in the wizard.
  4. In the DNS page, enter the domain name and IP addresses of the DNS server, set the domain search order priority, set the name services ordering, set either LDAP or NIS mode. and then click Next.
    • A DNS server can be added by an IPv4 or IPv6 address (not by host name).
    • If a DNS server is to be added by an IPv6 address, IPv6 must be configured on the managed server.
    • A DNS server can resolve host names to IPv4 or IPv6 addresses whether it is connected to by IPv4 or IPv6.
    • If NIS mode is selected, enter the NIS domain name.
    Note: In Domain Search Order, you can list up to six DNS domains.
  5. In the SMTP page, enter the SMTP server details and set up an email profile for receiving managed server status alerts, and then click Next.
    Field Description
    Email Profile Name Enter a name of email system that sends an alert on server status to the server administrators.
    Send Summaries at hh:mm Enter the time that the managed server sends out the daily summary status emails.
    Severe Select the frequency that the managed server sends out a severe alert.
    Warning Select the frequency that the managed server sends out a warning alert.
    Information Select the frequency that the managed server sends out any information emails to the server administrators.
    Add Recipients Add the email addresses of all the managed server administrators.
  6. In the NTP page, enter the time, date, timezone, optionally NTP server name or IP address, and then click Next.
  7. (Optional) In the Set Passwords page, change the supervisor, manager, and root user passwords, and then click Next.
  8. In the Install Licenses page, verify the current cluster licenses of the managed server or add a new license key.
    Note: Obtain license keys from your Hitachi Vantara representative.
    1. To add a new license key, click + Add License Key.
    2. In Add License Key page, add a license key or upload a locally saved license key from a file, and then click Add.
    3. Click Next.
  9. In the Node Type page, choose one of the following node types, and then click Next.
    • For Single Node, continue with the steps in this topic.
    • For Cluster Node, complete the following information:
      1. Enter the cluster name, IP address and subnet mask of the cluster.
      2. Select a quorum device for the cluster.
      3. Select a node to add to the cluster. Alternatively, to add a node manually, click + Add Node Manually. In the Add Node Manually dialog box, add the IP address, username, and password of the node, and then click Add.
  10. In the Summary page, review the server configuration, and then click Submit.
    To add another managed server, click Submit & add another. The Add Server wizard completes the managed server configuration.
Navigate to Managed Servers to view and manage the servers.