Synchronizing the VSP One File management software with NTP server

Virtual Storage Platform One File Management Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Part Number
You can synchronize the date, time and timezone of the VSP One File management software to a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.
  1. Navigate to Configuration > Date and Time.
  2. In the Date and Time pane, specify whether you want to synchronize to an NTP server date and time or keep the default date and time by using one of the following options:
    • To synchronize the date and time to an NTP server, set the Use NTP server date and time toggle switch to on.
      An NTP server can be specified by an IPv4 or IPv6 address or by a host name. When specified, VSP One File gets the current date and time from this NTP server and periodically checks with this NTP server to keep the clock accurate. If several NTP servers are specified, VSP One File uses the first one in the list that it can contact.
      Note: If an IPv6 address is specified, VSP One File is able to synchronize only if it is configured with an IPv6 address. Additionally, if the NTP server is specified by host name and that host name resolves to an IPv6 address, synchronization is possible only if an IPv6 DNS server is provided.

      For each NTP server, enter the IP address or name, and then click Add.

      To remove an NTP server, click the delete icon.

    • To keep the default date, time and timezone, set the Use NTP server date and time toggle switch to off. Default is the VM server time in UTC.
  3. Click Save Changes.