Restoring default clients in Keycloak

Virtual Storage Platform One File Management Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Part Number
The Keycloak configuration for VSP One File includes the following default clients that are used to enable connection to security and technical support applications:
  • cyberark-cli If you are using CyberArk as an Identity and Access Management (IAM) security tool, this client supplies the information required to connect a CyberArk plugin.
  • hro-cli This client supplies the information required to connect to Hitachi Remote Ops (HRO). HRO is a centralized monitoring service that is used by technical support to track the health and performance status of Hitachi devices and to troubleshoot and resolve issues.

If these clients are deleted, you can restore them by using one of the following methods:

  • Restart the VSP One File server. When the restart completes, the client is restored in Keycloak and a new client secret is created.
  • Restore a VSP One File configuration snapshot that contains the client secret, and restart the VSP One File server. When the restart completes, the client is restored in Keycloak with the current secret.

If the client is restored with a new secret, the secret must be updated in the associated tool, which requires assistance from technical support. If the client is restored with the current secret, no further action is required.

  1. Open the System Administrator.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Status.
  3. Click Reboot, to restart the System Administrator, and then confirm the restart.
    To restore by using the current secret for the client, make sure that you restored the VSP One File configuration before restarting the server. For instructions about how to restore a configuration snapshot, see Restoring the VSP One File configuration.
  4. When the restart is complete, open Keycloak and navigate to Clients to confirm that the client is restored.
    If you restored the VSP One File configuration before restarting the server, the current secret is restored and no further action is required.

    If you did not restore the configuration, complete the following steps.

  5. Click the restored client to open the client details.
  6. Click the Credentials tab, and copy the secret that is in the Client Secret box.
  7. To update the secret in CyberArk, contact the administrator for the CyberArk plugin. To update the secret in HRO, contact technical support. For contact numbers and instructions, go to