Adding users locally

Virtual Storage Platform One File Management Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Part Number

You can add users locally in VSP One File management software using Keycloak and assign them to a preconfigured role.

  • Make sure that you are logged in to the VSP One File management software as security administrator (secadmin) and start Keycloak.
  • Make sure that the user is assigned a valid email address.
  1. Navigate to Manage > Users.

    Screenshot showing how to navigate to Users menu from Keycloak landing page
  2. In the Users page, click Add user.
  3. In the Create user page, complete the following information:
    1. In the Required user actions list, choose one of the following options:
      • Select Update Password to reset the password to sign-in for the first time.
      • Select Configure OTP to configure multi-factor authentication to sign-in for the first time.
    2. Enter the username.
      A username can be a combination of letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), and special characters.
    3. Enter the email address of the user that is valid and associated with an organization, and then set the Email verified toggle switch to Yes.
    4. (Optional) Enter the first name and last name of the user.
    5. To define the user access in the VSP One File management software, click Join Groups.
    6. In the Select groups to join page, select a group to assign one of the preconfigured roles to the user and then click Join.
      For example, to assign the user the role of a file service manager, select the File Services Managers group.
    7. Click Create.
  4. In the User details page, select the Credentials tab, and then click Set password to configure the initial login credentials of the user.
  5. In the Set password for <username> page, enter and confirm the user password.
    The password must be at least eight characters and must contain at least one, uppercase letter, number, and special character. For example, Password@123.
  6. Set the Temporary toggle switch to On to make sure that the user is prompted to change the password at the first login.
  7. Click Save and then send an email to the user with the login credentials.