Creating a certificate signing request

Virtual Storage Platform One File Management Software Installation and Configuration Guide

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Important: If you obtained a matching SSL key and certificate from a provider, a certificate signing request (CSR) is not required. Continue to Uploading an SSL certificate.

You can create a CSR file by using the System Administrator. A CSR file contains the fully qualified domain name (FQDN), organization name, location, public key, and other information required to create the SSL certificate. The CSR is submitted to a public certificate authority (CA), which that validates this information and issues the SSL certificate.

  1. From the app switcher, select System Administrator.
  2. Navigate to Access > Security Options > SSL Certificate.
  3. Click Generate CSR.
  4. In the Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) pane, complete the following information:
    1. Select the signing algorithm: ECDSA or RSA.
    2. Select the hashing algorithm.
    3. In the Key Size list, select the private key size.
      The available key sizes depend on the selected signing algorithm.
    4. (Optional) In the Subject Alt Names box, enter subject alternative names. Alternative names specify the domain names and IP addresses that are secured by the certificate.
    5. In the Common Name box, enter the FQDN of the VSP One File GUI website. For example,
    6. In the Organization box, enter the legal name of the organization. For example, Hitachi Vantara LLC.
    7. In the Organizational Unit box, enter the name of department of the organization handling the request. For example, IT department.
    8. In the Country box, enter the two-letter ISO code for the country. For example, for USA, enter US.
    9. In the State box, enter the full name of the state or province where the organization is located. For example, California.
    10. In the City box, enter the full name of the city or locality where the organization is located. For example, Santa Clara.
  5. Click Generate and Download to generate and download the CSR and private key files.
  6. Extract the zip file that contains the CSR file and private key file.
    You will upload the private key with the SSL file that is created from the CSR.
  7. Submit the CSR to a CA.
After the CA issues the SSL certificate in .crt or .pem format, upload the certificate and private key as described in Uploading an SSL certificate.