Configuring an SSL certificate

Virtual Storage Platform One File Management Software Installation and Configuration Guide

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You can manage the security of the VSP One File management software domain by using an SSL certificate. The SSL certificate lets the domain use a secure protocol (https) and secures sensitive information by using a public key. When the VSP One File management software receives the information, the software decrypts the information by using a private key.

You can obtain an SSL key and certificate from a certificate authority (CA), or you can sign an SSL key by generating a certificate signing request (CSR) in System Administrator and then submitting the CSR to a CA to create the SSL certificate.

Alternatively, you can generate a self-signed certificate in the System Administrator. A self-signed certificate is often used for development and testing environments because the certificate is available at no cost and is easily implemented. However, the use of a self-signed certificate increases security risks and results in browser warnings and user trust issues.