Site preparation checklist

Virtual Storage Platform One Block 20 Hardware Guide

Part Number

Use the following checklist to verify that all required site preparation and planning activities have been completed before the storage system is delivered.

Requirement Yes No
Is the data center free of any equipment servicing hazards, such as electrical or data cables that obstruct access?
Does the data center have a fire suppression system?
Does the floor plan meet the service clearance and cutout requirements?
Does the floor meet the load rating requirements?
Does the data center meet the environmental requirements, including temperature, humidity, airflow, and acoustic?    
Will the equipment fit through all doors and corridors and in elevators?
Is all equipment not supplied by Hitachi (for example, connectors, receptacles, and network switches) on site and ready for use?
Are the input circuit breakers adequate for equipment loads?
Are uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) in place?
Have all sources of electrical interference been addressed?
Does the site enforce access controls (for example, will Hitachi representatives need an escort)?