Hardware terminology

Virtual Storage Platform One Block 20 Hardware Guide

Part Number

The VSP One Block 20 hardware terms include the factory terms and their abbreviations, which are used in hardware specifications and maintenance documents, and the nomenclature appearing in end-user documentation and nontechnical materials such as marketing collateral. The following table lists and describes the basic hardware terms for the VSP One Block 20 storage systems.

Factory term Factory abbreviation Nomenclature Description
Controller box CBS Controller box Controller module located in the controller chassis.
Controller chassis DKC Controller chassis Chassis containing the controller and ancillary components that control the storage system.
Controller board CTL Controller board


Board in the controller chassis that contains the controller, cache memory, and cache flash memory.
Cache memory CM Cache memory Volatile memory in the controllers that stores user data, micro-programs, and control data.
Cache flash memory CFM Cache Non-volatile memory in the controllers that stores user data, micro-programs, and control data.
Battery BAT Battery Battery in the controller used to transfer user data and control data into cache flash memory in case of a power failure.
Disk board DKB Back-end module (BEM) Board installed in the controller chassis to connect the controller and the drive boxes.
Channel board CHB Front-end module (FEM) Board installed in the controller chassis to connect the controller and the host/SAN. VSP One B20 supports the following types of front-end modules:
  • Fibre Channel (FC)
  • Ethernet-iSCSI
  • Ethernet-NVMe/TCP
Power supply unit PS unit Power supply Power supply component that provides power to the controllers and drive boxes.

Two PS units are installed in each chassis:

  • DKCPS: PS unit located in the controller chassis
  • DBPS: PS unit located in a drive box
Drive box DB Drive box Chassis containing drives.
Enclosure ENC Enclosure Board installed in a drive box to connect the drive box and the controller. There are 2 ENCs in each drive box.
Backup module BKM Backup module Component in the controller chassis that contains the battery for the storage system.
DW-F2000 DW-F2000 -- Basic model number for components that are specific to VSP One B20.