10-Gbps and 25-Gbps iSCSI board LEDs and connectors (optical)

Virtual Storage Platform One Block 20 Hardware Guide

Part Number
Number Item Description
1 STATUS LED Green: Front-end module is in the power-on state.

Red: Front-end module can be removed safely.

2 PORT LED Red: Small form-factor (SFF) pluggable can be removed.

Blue: Normal link status.

Blink blue: Front-end module is in communication status.

3 iSCSI connectors Connect to Ethernet cables.

The following table lists the 10-Gbps and 25-Gbps iSCSI (optical) port assignments.

CHB number Port 1 Port 2
CHB-1A 1A 3A
CHB-1B 1B 3B
CHB-1C 1C 3C
CHB-2A 2A 4A
CHB-2B 2B 4B
CHB-2C 2C 4C