Front-end modules

Virtual Storage Platform One Block 20 Hardware Guide

Part Number

The front-end modules (FEMs), also called channel boards (CHBs), control the transfer of data between the host and cache memory. The storage system supports FC, FC Ethernet, and iSCSI front-end modules for attachment to host servers. The front-end module LEDs indicate the operating status of the module.

Fibre Channel (FC-SCSI)

Specification Fibre 32-Gbps Fibre 64-Gbps
Model number DW-F900-4HF32R DW-F2000-4F64
Number of PCBs 1 1
Host interface FCP FCP
Data transfer rate (MB/s) 16 Gbps: 400/800/1,600

32 Gbps: 800/1,600/3,200

32 Gbps: 800/1,600/3,200

64 Gbps: 1,600/3,200/6,400

Number of options installed: 2/4/6/8 2/4/6/8
Number of ports per PCB 4 4
Number of ports per storage system: 8/16/24/32 8/16/24/32
Maximum cable length Short wave 400 m/190 m/125 m/100 m 190m/125m/100m
Long wave 10 km 10 km
Copper - -

Ethernet (FC-TCP)

Specification Ethernet 100G
Model number DW-F2000-2E100
Number of PCBs 1
Host interface TCP (optical/copper)
Data transfer rate (MB/s) 10,000
Number of options installed( ): DKB slot used 2/4
Number of ports per PCB 2
Number of ports per storage system( ): DKB slot used 4/8
Maximum cable length Short wave 100 m
Long wave -
Copper TBD(DAC)


Specification iSCSI 10G iSCSI 10G BASE-T iSCSI 25G
Model number DW-F900-2HS10S DW-F900-2HS10B DW-F2000-2HE25
Number of PCBs 1 1 1
Host interface iSCSI (optical) iSCSI (copper) iSCSI (optical)
Data transfer rate (MB/s) 1,000 100/1,000 1,000/2,500
Number of options installed( ): DKB slot used 2/4/6/8 2/4/6/8 2/4/6/8
Number of ports per PCB 2 2 2
Number of ports per storage system( ): DKB slot used 4/8/12/16 4/8/12/16 4/8/12/16
Maximum cable length Short wave 550 m - 400 m/100 m
Long wave - - -
Copper - 50 m (cat 6a)

100 m (cat 5e/6a)
