Back-end modules

Virtual Storage Platform One Block 20 Hardware Guide

Part Number

The back-end modules, also called disk boards (DKBs), control the transfer of data between the drives and cache memory. The back-end module LEDs indicate the operating status of the module.

The following table lists the back-end module specifications.

Item Specification
Model number DW-F2000-BN16G
Number of PCBs 1
Number of ports per PCB 2
Performance 16 Gbps
Number of PCBs per storage system 2
Number of NVMe ports per system 4

Back-end module LEDs

Number Item Description
3-1 STATUS LED Green: Back-end module is in the power-on state.

Red: Back-end module can be removed safely.

Off: Power is off.

3-2 PORT LED On (green): Link status is normal.

Off: Link is down.