Generating the performance information file

Virtual Storage Platform One Block Export Tool 2 User Guide

Part Number

The performance information file is generated in CSV or ZIP format based on the setting of the "-option" parameter in the export data command.

The performance information file includes the following:

  • Date: Date on which the performance data was recorded (YYYY/MM/DD)
  • Time: Time at which the performance data was recorded (HH:MM)
  • ID: Resource ID (for example, CL1-A when "port" was specified)
  • <performance metric>: Description of the calculated performance data (for example, Total_IOPS, Write_Pending_Rate)

When you generate the performance information file, a separate file called export_metadata.csv is also output to the same directory. This metadata file contains the following information that identifies the data in the performance information file:

  • Serial number: 6-digit serial number of the storage system
  • Product name: Product name of the storage system (for example, VSP One B26)
  • From: Start date and time (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM) of the data (specified by the -range parameter of the export data command)
  • To: End date and time (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM) of the data (specified by the -range parameter of the export data command)
  • Sampling: sampling interval (minutes) of the data

The following example shows the meta information file content:

“Serial Number”,”Product Name”,”From”,”To”,”Sampling”
"410025",”VSP One B26”,”2024/04/13 15:00”,”2024/04/14 15:00”,”5”

The following example shows content from the CSV file:


NVMe Port#

The resource "NVMe Port#" that is output by the MP group can be converted to the package location (PK LOC) format. The following table describes the correspondence between PK LOC and NVMe Port#, so that you can calculate "PK LOC".

PK LOC NVMe Port# (port0,port1)
VSP One B26, VSP One B28 VSP One B24
1B 0x04,0x14


1D 0x04,0x14


1G 0x00, 0x10 0x00, 0x10
1H 0x02, 0x12 0x02, 0x12
2B 0x0C, 0x1C

0x0D, 0x1D

2D 0x0C, 0x1C

0x0D, 0x1D

2G 0x08, 0x18 0x08, 0x18
2H 0x0A, 0x1A 0x0A, 0x1A

Files for accelerator compression ratio

Output directory CSV file Description
Compression ratio of Accelerator Utilitzation_ratio.csv  
CTL# ACCL# Output ID VSP One B24 VSP One B26  
01 00 CTL01/ACCL00 No Yes Yes
  01 CTL01/ACCL01 No No Yes
02 02 CTL02/ACCL02 No Yes Yes
  03 CTL02/ACCL03 No No Yes
11 04 CTL11/ACCL04 No Yes Yes
  05 CTL11/ACCL05 No No Yes
12 06 CTL12/ACCL06 No Yes Yes
  07 CTL12/ACCL07 No No Yes
  • No: Not output to the CSV file.
  • Yes: Output to the CSV file whether Accelerator is installed or not.