User name and password requirements and user roles

Virtual Storage Platform One Block Export Tool 2 User Guide

Part Number

User name requirements:

  • 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters and the following symbols: ! # $ % & ' * + - . / = ? @ ^ _ ` { | } ~

    A hyphen (-) cannot be used at the beginning of a user name.

Password requirements:

  • 6 to 63 characters alphanumeric characters and all symbols that can be entered using ASCII characters, except spaces.

    A hyphen (-) cannot be used at the beginning of a password.

  • When running Export Tool 2, you might encounter errors displayed on the command prompt. Please review the following restrictions for user names and passwords to ensure that they are specified correctly.

    Example of errors:

    • Incorrect usage of "<".
    • ''' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file.
    • The syntax of the file name, directory name, or volume label is incorrect.
  • When specifying the user name and password instead of using interactive mode, please note the following:
    • If the user name contains the characters &^=|, please enclose it in double quotation marks ".
    • If the password contains the characters &^,;<=>|", please enclose it in double quotation marks ".
    • If the password contains a double quotation mark ", add an additional double quotation mark ". For example, if the password is "au"to&pass"wo&rd":
      runWin.bat export data -ip -login autouser

      In this example, double quotation marks " are added within the existing double quotation marks " to handle the presence of a double quotation mark " in the password.

The following table lists the user roles and shows the functions that each user role can access.

Role Access
Storage Administrator (Performance Management)
  • Sampling Interval Confirmation function
  • Accumulated Data Period Confirmation function
  • Performance Metrics
  • Sampling Interval Setting function
Support Personnel (Vendor Only)
  • Sampling Interval Confirmation function
  • Accumulated Data Period Confirmation function
  • Performance Metrics