Modifying user accounts

Virtual Storage Platform One Block Administrator User Guide

Part Number

You can modify the passwords of user accounts or the user groups to which the user accounts belong.

  • Check the following information:
    • User group name
    • User name
    • Password
  • Make sure that the user performing the procedure is assigned the Security Administrator (View & Modify) role.
  1. From the navigation tree, select Settings > User Settings > User Administration to launch the maintenance utility.
  2. In the maintenance utility, click the user group name.
  3. Select the user account that you want to modify, and then click Edit.
  4. Specify the required information.
    • To check the roles set for a user group, click the name of the user group and select the Roles tab.
    • If you change the user group of a user logged in to VSP One Block Administrator, the change takes effect the next time the user logs in.

    For details on the settings to be configured, see the Help for the maintenance utility.

  5. In the maintenance utility, click Log Out.
  6. Confirm that you can log in to VSP One Block Administrator by using the revised user account.