iSCSI specifications

Virtual Storage Platform G350, G370 Hardware Reference Guide

Part Number




iSCSI target function Supported N/A
iSCSI target function Supported TrueCopy® only
iSCSI ports 2 per interface board

VSP Gx00 models: Maximum 32 per iSCSI system

Connection methods Direct and switch connections
Host connections 255 (maximum per iSCSI port) With Linux software initiator, the maximum number decreases.
Path failover HDLM1 Supports Microsoft MPIO (Multi Path I/O)
Link 10 Gbps SFP+ N/A
Transfer speed 10 Gbps N/A
Connector type LC N/A
Cable Optical OM3, OM2 MMF cable N/A
Network switch L2 or L3 switch Should comply with IEEE802.3ae
Switch cascading Maximum: 5 switches or fewer Minimum number of cascading switches is recommended.
MAC address Per port (fixed value) Factory setting: World Wide Unique value. Cannot be changed.
Maximum transfer unit (MTU) 1,500, 4,500, 9,000 bytes (Ethernet frame) Jumbo frame, MTU size greater than 1500
Link aggregation Not supported N/A
Tagged VLAN Supported N/A
IPv4 Supported N/A
IPv6 Supported
Note the following precautions:
  • When iSCSI Port IPv6 is set to Enabled, if the IPv6 global address is set to automatic, the address is determined by acquiring a prefix from an IPv6 router.

  • If the IPv6 router does not exist in the network, the address cannot be determined. As a result, an iSCSI connection might be delayed. When an iSCSI Port IPv6 is set to Enabled, verify the IPv6 router is connected to the same network, and then set IPv6 global address automatically.

Subnet mask Supported N/A
Gateway address Supported N/A
Ping (ICMP ECHO) Transmit, Receive Supported N/A
IPsec2 N/A N/A
TCP port number 3260 Changeable among 1 to 65,535. Observe the following if changing values:
  • The setting of the corresponding host should also be changed to log in the new port number.
  • The new port number might conflict with other network communication or be filtered on some network equipment, preventing the storage system from communicating through the new port number.
iSCSI name Both iqn3 and eui4 types are supported The unique iqn value is automatically set when a target is made. iSCSI name is configurable.
Error recovery level 0 (zero) Error recovery by retrying from host. Does not support Level 1 and Level 2.
Header digest Supported Detects header error or data error with iSCSI communication. The storage system follows the host's digest setting. If digest is enabled, the performance degrades. The amount of the degradation depends on factors such as host performance of host and transaction pattern.
Data digest Supported
Maximum iSCSI connections at one time 255 per iSCSI port N/A
CHAP Supported Authentication: login request is sent properly from host to storage. CHAP is not supported during discovery session.
Mutual (2-way) CHAP Supported (not available if connected to Linux software initiator) Authentication: login request is sent properly from host to storage.
CHAP user registration Max 512 users per iSCSI port N/A
iSNS Supported With iSNS (name service), a host can discover a target without knowing the target's IP address.
  1. JP1, HiCommand Dynamic Link Manager. Pass switching is achieved. Not supported on Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems.
  2. IP Security. Authentication and encryption of IP packets. The storage system does not support IPsec.
  3. iqn: iSCSI Qualified Name. The iqn consists of a type identifier, "iqn," a date of domain acquisition, a domain name, and a character string given by the individual who acquired the domain. Example:
  4. eui: 64-bit Extended Unique Identifier. The eui consists of a type identifier, "eui," and an ASCII-coded, hexadecimal, EUI-64 identifier. Example: eui.0123456789abcdef