No-response errors

System Administrator Guide for Virtual Storage Platform E Series

Part Number

The following table lists no-response errors in Device Manager - Storage Navigator and provides the probable cause and recommended actions for each error.

Error condition Probable cause / Recommended action
The error 20121-107022 occurs when using Device Manager - Storage Navigator (HDvM - SN). An unsupported locale might be set for the SVP. Make sure that the correct locale is set for the SVP.

To set the locale, see the Hardware Reference Guide for your storage system.

The following error occurs when using Device Manager - Storage Navigator:
  • 20121-107024
The SVP web server might have been restarted. Close HDvM - SN, wait 10 minutes, and then restart HDvM - SN.
Error (20121-107096) occurs repeatedly while you are using Device Manager - Storage Navigator. A timeout error may have occurred in Adobe AIR.

Close the HDvM - SN window. Click X in the corner of the browser window or click the window and press AltF4.

The following errors occur when using Device Manager - Storage Navigator:
  • 20121-107024
  • 20121-107025
  • 20121-107096
  • 20121-107097
This error may occur if the load to the management client is high, or if you start multiple instances of HDvM - SN by using multiple tabs in a tab browser or multiple browsers.

Close the other applications which cause the high load, or make sure to start only one HDvM - SN

  • The application errors 20020-108000 and 10-6027 occur when you click the Device Manager - Storage Navigator menu.
  • The application error 10-6027 occurs when you click the Device Manager - Storage Navigator menu.
Retry the operations on HDvM - SN. If the problem occurs again, take the following actions:
  • The port number might not be reassigned after restoring the SVP configuration files. Retry the assignment of the port number.
  • Java might have not started because Java takes a while to start from the management client. Close all other applications being used, and then retry the operations on HDvM - SN.
  • The version of HDvM - SN recognized by the management client might not match the version installed on the SVP. Close all the browser windows and then clear the browser cache.
  • The management client might have entered standby or hibernate mode. Restart HDvM - SN.
  • If a proxy server is used for network connections, the proxy server cache may be storing the older version of the program. If the problem continues after you clear the browser cache, contact your network administrator.
  • Java content might be disabled in the web browser using the JRE 7.0 Update 10 or later. Enable Java content in the web browser and then restart the browser.
  • The JRE used by the secondary window might not support the protocols or cipher suites used in TLS communications. Check whether your JRE supports the protocols and cipher suites used in TLS communications. If not, install a new JRE that supports these protocols and cipher suites.

If none of the above actions solves the problem, save the HDvM - SN dump file and send it to customer support. Then restart the web browser.

Device Manager - Storage Navigator does not respond.

Device Manager - Storage Navigator may hang in the following cases:

  • The HDvM - SN main window is grayed out and does not display the percentage of progress, and you cannot perform any operation for a long period of time.
  • You cannot perform any operation for a long period of time and the dialog box that says Loading... is not displayed.
  • The dialog box that says Loading... opens when the window switches. However, you cannot move the dialog box or perform any operation for a long period of time.
  • The login window does not appear and the white screen continues.
  • You clicked the cross mark or Close, however the window cannot be closed.
Close the web browser and reopen it. When using the HDvM - SN secondary window, exit HDvM - SN by pressing CtrlAltShiftD all at once.

If you close the web browser but you cannot exit HDvM - SN, reboot the management client or restart HDvM - SN after forcibly closing HDvM - SN as follows:

  • In Windows:

    Exit the web browser, and then use the Task Manager to terminate msedge.exe (for Microsoft Edge), iexplorer.exe (for Internet Explorer), or chrome.exe (for Google Chrome).

  • In UNIX:

    Exit the web browser, and then terminate firefox-bin with the kill command.

  • If the problem continues, restart the SVP.
A network error occurred. There is no response to any operation even after 30 minutes. Restart the management client. An operation can take over 30 minutes depending on the use condition. For example, when several HDvM - SN web clients are running, an operation might take a long time.
An internal error occurs, or a web browser ended abnormally. Close all dialog boxes, and then log in to HDvM - SN again. If the same error occurs, restart the management client.
During a Device Manager - Storage Navigator operation, the web browser suddenly disappears. Restart the management client.
An error (1-4011) occurs while you are using Device Manager - Storage Navigator. The clock time of the management client may have been changed. Log in to HDvM - SN again.
The management client reboots on its own. Restart the management client.
A Device Manager - Storage Navigator window is forcibly closed during a time-consuming process, such as LDEV formatting. Close all windows, wait until processing finishes, and then restart HDvM - SN.
A Device Manager - Storage Navigator window is incorrectly closed when you do one of the following:
  • Click
  • Use commands such as File > Close on the web browser
  • Press the Alt and F4 keys
Restart HDvM - SN. If you cannot log in, wait for one minute and try again.
When you log out of Device Manager - Storage Navigator, a Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer error occurs. The probable causes are as follows:
  • Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer has not been updated.

    Action: Install the latest updates.

  • Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer may be configured incorrectly.

    Action: Re-install Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer.

When you click File > Refresh All or Refresh in the Device Manager - Storage Navigator main window, the percentage of progress remains 99%. The probable causes are as follows:
  • Another application such as Command Control Interface may be changing configuration. The window will be updated shortly after the configuration change ends.
  • Volume Migration operations, Quick Restore operations or Thin Image operations may be in progress. The window will be updated shortly after the operations end.
One of the following errors occurred during a Device Manager - Storage Navigator operation in the main window
  • 20123-107027
  • 20123-108004
  • 00002-058578
  • 00003-002003
  • xxxxx-065740
  • xxxxx-068800

where xxxxx indicates any code.

  • Another application such as Command Control Interface may be changing configuration.
  • Volume Migration operations, Quick Restore operations, or Thin Image operations may be in progress.
  • The configuration data may not be matched if a communication error occurs between the storage system and SVP.

Wait a few minutes and then click File > Refresh All to reload the configuration information. Then run HDvM - SN again. If a configuration change operation was performed, check that all the configuration changes that caused the error were applied, and then set the settings that were not applied again.

When using Encryption License Key, do the following:

  • If a failure (00002-058578) occurs when you set the Encryption Environment for the first time from the Edit Encryption Environmental Settings window, do the following:
    1. Wait a few minutes and then click File > Refresh All to reload the configuration information.
    2. Initialize the Encryption Environment Settings.
    3. Set the Encryption Environment again.
  • If a failure (00002-058578) occurs when you set the Encryption Environment again from the Edit Encryption Environmental Settings window, do the following:
    1. Wait a few minutes and then click File > Refresh All to reload the configuration information.
    2. Set the Encryption Environment again.
The Device Manager - Storage Navigator window turns white and the icon shown below displays in the center of the web browser when you use Device Manager - Storage Navigator.

Icon in Internet Explorer:

Icon in Google Chrome:

Restart the management client.
Operations cannot be performed due to a problem with the Device Manager - Storage Navigator main window. For example, tables are not displayed correctly or some buttons are not displayed. Logging out and back in does not solve the problem. The HDvM - SN window setting information may have been saved with an incorrect value. Click Settings > Environmental Settings > Reset View to Settings in the HDvM - SN main window to clear the window setting information. Then click any button in the HDvM - SN window and check that it operates correctly. You do not need to log out and back in.
Device Manager - Storage Navigator closes automatically when operating the IPv6 address setting from Device Manager - Storage Navigator. When the symptom occurs, the resource group status remains locked.

Open the Resource Lock Properties window and release the locked resource group caused by the symptom. Suspend other operations when releasing the resource group, as other resource groups are also released the lock.

The error 20122-208003 occurred when using HDvM - SN. A problem might have occurred with the storage system connection, or user account information which is used for the storage system connection might have changed.

Configure the user account information specified for the registered system of the Storage Device List window. For details, see the Hardware Reference Guide for your storage system.

A pop-up block message appears when Microsoft Edge is used. In Microsoft Edge settings, pop-ups might be blocked. Change the settings in Edge to allow pop-ups for the SVP.
An error message "Error: 290-6125 A permission error occurred." is displayed during login on the Tool Panel dialog box, and the login cannot be performed. Restart your web browser. If this problem occurs again, verify that the cookie settings for your web browser are enabled.
In Internet Explorer (Internet Options > Privacy tab > Advanced), verify the following settings:
  • Accept is selected for First-party Cookies.
  • Accept is selected for Third-party Cookies.
  • Always allow session cookies is checked.

In Microsoft Edge (Settings > Cookies and site permissions > Cookies and data stored), verify that Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended) is turned on to unblock cookies.

A security warning repeatedly appears while you perform HDvM - SN operations. The SVP certificate might have been updated. Log out from HDvM - SN.

The security warning window may not respond for a while, but it will be automatically closed in about two minutes.

Log in to HDvM - SN again.

The window displaying "Please wait ... Storage Navigator is loading" remains open and you cannot log in. The IP address of the SVP might have changed. To update the IP address in the Storage Device List, click SVP IP Address (upper right corner of Storage Device List window), click Change SVP IP Address, and enter the IP address. Then click Start Service.