HDvM - SN secondary window blocked

System Administrator Guide for Virtual Storage Platform E Series

Part Number

If you cannot open the HDvM - SN secondary window on a Windows PC, the default browser might not be set to one of the supported browsers (Edge, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer). Set the default browser to one of the supported browsers, and then retry the operation.

If Java 7 Update 55 or later or Java 8 Update 5 or later is installed on the management client, execution of the Device Manager - Storage Navigator secondary window application might be blocked. In this case, use the following procedure to change the Java security settings.

  1. Check the version and update information of Java installed in your management client. Click Start > Control Panel > Java.
  2. On the General tab, click About.
  3. Check the version and update information of Java, and then close the About Java dialog box. If your PC uses either Java 7 update 55 or later, or Java 8 Update 5 or later, you need to change Java security settings referring to Step 4 and after.
  4. Select the Security tab.
  5. Click Edit Site List.
  6. In Exception Site List, specify the URL of the SVP as follows, and then click Add.
    http://IP-address-of-SVP or https://IP-address-of-SVP
  7. Click OK.
  8. Select the Advanced tab.
  9. For Perform signed code certificate revocation checks on, select Do not check (not recommended), and then click OK.
  10. Close the Control Panel.