Create Resource Groups window

System Administrator Guide for Virtual Storage Platform E Series

Part Number

Use this window to select the parity groups, LDEVs, ports, host groups, and iSCSI targets that will make up a resource group.

Setting fields



Resource Group Name*

Type a unique name for this resource group. the following rules apply:

  • meta_resource and NAS_Platform_System_RSG cannot be set as a resource group name.
  • Names must be unique, and multiple occurrences of the same resource group name are not allowed in one storage system.
  • Resource names are case-sensitive.
  • Usable characters are alphanumeric, spaces, and symbols (! # $ % & ' ( ) + - . = @ [ ] ^ _ ` { } ~)

Select Parity Groups

Opens the Select Parity Groups window, where you select one or more parity groups to be assigned to the resource group.

Select iSCSI Targets

Opens the Select iSCSI Targets window where you select one or more iSCSI Targets to be assigned to the resource group.

Select LDEVs

Opens the Select LDEVs window, where you select one or more LDEVs to be assigned to the resource group.

Select Ports

Opens the Select Ports window, where you select one or more ports to be assigned to the resource group.

Select Host Groups

Opens the Select Host Groups window, where you select one or more host groups to be assigned to the resource group.


Adds your settings to the Selected Resource Groups table.

* Item requires configuration.

Selected Resource Groups table



Resource Group Name (ID)

Name and identifier of each resource group.

A hyphen indicates the ID number is not assigned before setting a resource group.

Number of Parity Groups

Number of parity groups to be assigned to the resource group.

Number of LDEVs

Number of LDEVs to be assigned to the resource group.

Number of Ports

Number of ports to be assigned to the resource group.

Number of Host Groups

Number of host groups to be assigned to the resource group.

Number of iSCSI Targets

Number of iSCSI targets to be assigned to the resource group.


Opens the Resource Group Property window, where you can view details of the selected resource group.


Removes a selected resource group.