Edit Resource Group Assignment window

System Administrator Guide for Virtual Storage Platform E Series

Part Number

Use this window to assign created resource groups to the user group and to assign created resource groups to the user group in the Create User Group.

The following table describes the fields and settings used to assign resource groups with the Create User Group wizard.



All Resource Groups Assigned

Displays whether all the resource groups are assigned to the user group.

This item is set to Yes when the following roles are assigned in the Assign Roles window.

  • Security Administrator (View Only)
  • Security Administrator (View & Modify)
  • Audit log Administrator (View Only)
  • Audit log Administrator (View & Modify)
  • Support Personnel (Vendor Only)
  • Support Personnel (User)

When this item is set to Yes, Unassigned Resource Groups table, Assigned Resource Groups table, Add button, and Remove button are disabled.

Unassigned Resource Groups table

The following table lists the resource groups that are not assigned to the user group.



Resource Group Name (ID)

Displays the name and ID of the resource group that is not assigned to the user group to be created.

Number of User Groups

Displays the number of user groups that are not assigned to the resource group.

Number of Parity Groups

Displays the number of parity groups that are not assigned to the resource group.

Number of LDEVs

Displays the number of LDEVs that are not assigned to the resource group.

Number of Ports

Displays the number of ports that are not assigned to the resource group.

Number of Host Groups

Displays the number of host groups that are not assigned to the resource group.

Number of iSCSI Targets

Displays the number of the iSCSI targets that are assigned to the resource group.


Displays the detail of the selected resource group.

Add button

Adds the selected resource groups in the Unassigned Resource Groups list to the Assigned Resource Groups list.

Remove button

Removes the selected resource groups from the Assigned Resource Groups list and relocates the resource groups to the Unassigned Resource Groups list.

Assigned Resource Groups table

Lists the resource groups to be assigned to the user group.



Resource Group Name (ID)

Displays the name and ID of the resource group assigned to the user group to be created.

Number of User Groups

Displays the number of user groups that are assigned to the resource group.

Number of Parity Groups

Displays the number of parity groups that are assigned to the resource group.

Number of LDEVs

Displays the number of LDEVs that are assigned to the resource group.

Number of Ports

Displays the number of ports that are assigned to the resource group.

Number of Host Groups

Displays the number of host groups that are assigned to the resource group.

Number of iSCSI Targets

Displays the number of the iSCSI targets that are assigned to the resource group.


Displays the detail of the selected resource group.