Add Sending Trap Setting window (SNMP v3)

System Administrator Guide for Virtual Storage Platform E Series

Part Number

This window appears when you click Add on the SNMP tab of the Set Up Alert Notifications window if the SNMP protocol version is SNMP v3.



Send Trap to
Specify the IP address to which SNMP traps are reported.
  • IPv4: Enter a valid IPv4 address in the format XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (where XXX is a number from 0 to 255)
  • IPv6: Enter a valid IPv6 address in the format YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:YYYY: (where YYYY is a hexadecimal number from 0 to FFFF). You can also use an IPv6 address in abbreviated format.
User Name Enter the user name to be used for reporting SNMP traps.

You can enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters, excluding the following symbols:

\ , / ; : * ? " < > | & % ^

Do not enter space characters at the beginning or the end of the value.


If you use a user name that has already been specified for Sending Trap Setting or Request Authentication Setting, specify the same settings for the following options that were specified for that name. Otherwise, SNMP traps might not be sent correctly.
  • Authentication
  • Authentication - Protocol
  • Authentication - Password
  • Encryption
  • Encryption - Protocol
  • Encryption - Key
Select whether to perform authentication.
  • Enable: Authentication is performed.
  • Disable: Authentication is not performed.

Authentication and encryption information is displayed only if authentication is enabled.

Authentication - Protocol
If authentication is enabled, select the authentication method.
  • SHA
  • MD5
Authentication - Password If authentication is enabled, enter a password. The password must be 8 to 64 alphanumeric characters, excluding the following symbols:

\ , / ; : * ? " < > | & % ^

Do not enter space characters at the beginning or the end of the value.


Select whether to perform encryption.

  • Enable: Encryption is performed.
  • Disable: Encryption is not performed.

Encryption information is displayed only if encryption is enabled.

Encryption - Protocol
If encryption is enabled, select the encryption method.
  • AES
  • DES
Encryption - Key If encryption is enabled, enter a key. The key must be 8 to 64 alphanumeric characters, excluding the following symbols:

\ , / ; : * ? " < > | & % ^

Do not enter space characters at the beginning or the end of the value.

Encryption - Re-enter Key Re-enter the same key.