Modify Journal

Audit Log User Guide for VSP E Series

Part Number


Out-of-band,,[Config Command],,,Accept,Seq.=xxxxxxxxxx
+Command=Modify Journal
++JNL=0x001,Timer Type=System,Use of Cache=Use,Inflow Control=Enable,
Data Over flow Watch(s)=600,MU=0,Copy Pace=Medium,Path blockade watch timer Transfer=-,
Path blockade watch timer(m)=60,Entire Copy=-,Transfer Speed(Mbps)=-

Detailed Information




The command name


The number of a journal whose options to be changed

Timer Type

The clock type used for consistency time

System: The system clock of the main frame host on the primary site

Local: No system clock is used.

None: The system clock of the main frame host on the primary site when data is copied from the storage system on the secondary site to the one on the primary site

Use of Cache

Indicates whether journal data in the restore journal is stored in cache or not

Not Use: Not stored in cache, Use: Stored in cache

Inflow Control

The setting status of data inflow

Enable: Enabled, Disable: Disabled

Data Over flow Watch(s)

The time for data over flow to be watched: 0 to 600 seconds


The MU number

Copy Pace

The data transfer speed for copy operation

Low: Low speed, Medium: Medium speed, High: High speed

Path blockade watch timer Transfer

Indicates whether the path blockade watch timer of the master journal is transferred to the restore journal or not

Enable: Transferred, Disable: Not transferred

Path blockade watch timer(m)

The path blockade watch time: 1 to 60 minutes

If the value is 0, the path blockade watch timer is disabled.

Entire Copy

Indicates the behavior when Delta resync operation has failed

Enable: Copy the entire data of the primary volume to the secondary volume, Disable: Not copy the primary volume data to the secondary volume

Transfer Speed(Mbps)

The transfer speed of the communication line

The unit is megabits per second (Mbps).