Checking snapshot and Snap Clone status

Storage Advisor Embedded User Guide

Part Number

You can check the status of snapshots and of Snap Clone when the Health Status indicates that an error has occurred.

  1. In the dashboard or in the navigation bar, click Servers. If you are not using Storage Advisor Embedded to manage servers, click Volumes in the dashboard or in the navigation bar, and then skip to step 3.
  2. Click the server name to open the server details page.
  3. Click the volume name to open the volume details page.
  4. On the Snapshots tab, check the status of the snapshot or Snap Clone.

    The following provides a description for each snapshot status:



    Creating Snapshot settings creation is in progress.
    In Sync Snapshot synchronization is complete, or restoration of the snapshot which does not share data reduction with volume is complete.
    Splitting Snapshot splitting is in progress.
    Completed Snapshot creation is complete, or restoration of the snapshot which shares data reduction with volume is complete.
    Restoring Snapshot restoration is in progress.
    Deleting Snapshot settings and differential data deletion is in progress.
    Relocating Snapshot data relocation is in progress.
    Error A failure occurred.

    The following provides a description for each type of Snap clone and Diff Clone status:



    Preparing Snap Clone settings creation is in progress.
    Clone Ready Snap Clone settings creation is complete.
    Cloning Snap Clone replication is in progress.
    Diff Cloning Replication by using Diff Clone in the VASA environment is in progress.
    Removing Snap Clone settings removal is in progress.
    Error A failure occurred.