The following request changes pool settings (such as the pool name or threshold values) by using the specified pool ID.
Execution permission
If the differential data of a snapshot is stored in a pool and the usage rate of the pool exceeds the depletion threshold value, the created snapshot might become unusable. Change the depletion threshold value as necessary.
Storage Administrator (Provisioning)
Request line
PATCH base-URL/simple/v1/objects/pools/object-ID
Request message
- Object ID
Specify a value for the id that was obtained by getting the pool information.
(Required) Pool ID
- Body
Only the specified attributes are changed.
The following is an example of changing the warning threshold value to 80 and the depletion threshold value to 90 for a pool with ID 63:
{ "thresholdWarning": 80, "thresholdDepletion": 90 }
(Optional) Specify a pool name consisting of up to 32 characters.
You can use alphanumeric characters (0 through 9, A through Z, a through z), space characters, and the following symbols:
Hyphens (-), periods (.), forward slashes (/), colons (:), at marks (@), back slashes, (\), underscores (_)
This attribute is case-sensitive.
You can use a space character between characters, but cannot use it at the beginning or end of the pool name.
You cannot use a hyphen (-) at the beginning of the name.
(Optional) Warning threshold value of the pool (%)
Specify the value as an integer from 1 through 100.
If you specify this attribute, you must also specify the thresholdDepletion attribute.
(Optional) Depletion threshold value of the pool (%)
Specify the value as an integer from 1 through 100.
If you specify this attribute, you must also specify the thresholdWarning attribute. Also, the value specified for this attribute must be the same or greater than the value specified for the thresholdWarning attribute.
Information about settings related to the subscription limit rate for volumes associated with the pool
You can specify this attribute for VSP E series storage systems only.
- (Optional) isEnabled (boolean)
Specify whether to enable the subscription limit rate.
- true: Enabled
- false: Disabled
If you specify true for this attribute, you must also specify the limitRate attribute.
If you specify false for this attribute, the subscription limit rate is unlimited.
- (Optional) limitRate (int)
Specify the subscription limit (%) value of the pool.
If you specify true for the isEnabled attribute, you must also specify this attribute.
- (Optional) isEnabled (boolean)
Response message
Status codes
See HTTP status codes.
Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session b74777a3f9f04ea8bd8f09847fac48d3" -X PATCH --data-binary @./InputParameters.json