Deletes the specified Pool for Thin Image, Copy-on-Write Snapshot, Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, active flash, or active flash for mainframe.
When LDEVs or device groups are specified, LDEVs are deleted from the specified pools.
This command is executed asynchronously with the command input. Check the completion of this process on the raidcom get command_status command.
If HIE or a logical path inside the storage is blocked, the operation cannot be performed.
raidcom delete pool -pool {<pool ID#> | <pool naming>} [-ldev_id <ldev#> |-grp_opt <group option> -device_grp_name <device group name> [<device name>] | -delete_volume {yes|no}]
Options and parameters
- -pool {<pool ID#> | <pool naming>}
- Specifies the Pool ID (0-127) or pool name for
Thin Image,
Copy-on-Write Snapshot,
Dynamic Provisioning,
Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe,
Dynamic Tiering,
Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe,
active flash, or
active flash for mainframe.
When you specify only a number, it is recognized as a pool ID. Therefore, to specify a pool whose name is a number, use the pool ID instead of the pool name.
- -ldev_id <ldev#>
Specifies the LDEV number (0 to 65279), for example:
- -ldev_id 200
- -grp_opt <group option>
- Specifies the device information extracted from the LDEV belonging to the device group. Specify "ldev" (fixed). The information of LDEV belonging to the device group is used.
- -device_grp_name <device group name> [<device name>]
Specifies the name of device group (maximum 32 characters) to be operated.
To operate an LDEV in the device group, specify the device name of the LDEV (maximum 32 characters).
If the device name is omitted, all the LDEVs belonging in the device group are operated.
- -delete_volume {yes|no}
Supported storage systems:
- VSP 5000 series
- VSP G130, G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900
Specifies whether to delete the pool volume when deleting a pool.
- yes (recommended): The pool volume is deleted when a pool is deleted.
- no (default): The pool is deleted, but the pool volume is not deleted.
The external volume is not deleted even if "yes" is specified. To delete it, first delete the pool using the raidcom delete pool command, and then execute the raidcom delete ldev command.
For this command, you can specify "y" as an alias of "yes" or "n" as an alias of "no".
Deleting a pool of pool ID 5:
# raidcom delete pool -pool 5
Deleting a pool of pool name "my_aou_pool":
# raidcom delete pool -pool my_aou_pool
Deleting a pool volume when deleting a pool of pool name "my_aou_pool":
# raidcom delete pool -pool my_aou_pool -delete_volume yes