set interval

Storage Advisor Embedded User Guide

Part Number

The set interval command sets the sampling interval (in minutes) at which monitoring data is collected.

Command results

The results of this command differ depending on the storage system model and microcode version as follows:
  • VSP E series with DKCMAIN microcode version 93-06-21 or later

    After you change the sampling interval, the accumulated performance information is discarded, and then the performance information collection starts using the new sampling interval.

    The number of plots (areas in which performance information is accumulated) differs depending on the combination of the number of Control Units (CUs) for which performance information is collected (target CUs) and the value of the sampling interval.

    To check the number of target CUs, use the show cu command. To specify the target CUs, use the add cu and remove cu commands.
    • If the number of the target CUs is 32 or fewer, specify an integer from 1 to 15 for the sampling interval. The number of plots will be 1440.
    • If the number of the target CUs is 33 or more, specify a value for the sampling interval that is a multiple of 5 in the range from 5 to 60. The number of plots will be 288.
  • VSP E series with DKCMAIN microcode version earlier than 93-06-21 and storage system models other than VSP E series

    After you change the sampling interval, the accumulated performance information is not discarded. Also, the sampling interval for the plots in which performance information was accumulated before the setting change does not change. The number of plots does not differ depending on the combination of the number of target CUs and the set value of the sampling interval.

    Specify a value that is a multiple of 5 in the range from 5 to 60. The number of plots is 288.


set interval -ip <IP address> -login <User name> <Password> -proxy <IP 
address> <Port number> <User name> <Password> -interval <Sampling interval> -q

Options and parameters

-ip <IP Address>

Specifies the IP address of GUM (IPv4 or IPv6 format) or host name.

-login <user name> <password>

Specifies the user ID and password of the Export Tool 2 user. If this option is omitted, you are prompted to enter your user ID and password.

-proxy <IP address or host name> <port number> <user name> <password>

If the management client is connected to the storage system through a proxy server, this option specifies the proxy information (IP address [IPv4 or IPv6 format] or host name, port number, user name and password). If <user name> and <password> are omitted here, but <user name> and <password> are specified for the -login parameter, the proxy is used without authentication. If <user name> and <password> are omitted and the -login parameter is omitted, you are prompted to enter the user ID and password for the proxy server.

-interval <sampling interval>
Specifies the sampling interval (in minutes). You must specify this parameter.
  • VSP E series with DKCMAIN microcode version 93-06-21 or later:
    • If the number of the target CUs is 32 or fewer, specify an integer from 1 to 15 (unit: minute).
    • If the number of the target CUs is 33 or more, specify a value that is a multiple of 5 in the range from 5 to 60 (unit: minute).
  • VSP E series with microcode version earlier than 93-06-21, and storage system models other than VSP E series:

    Specify a value that is a multiple of 5 in the range from 5 to 60 (unit: minute).


Specifies to run the command without displaying a message that prompts you as to whether to discard the accumulated data and continue the processing. If you use this parameter, the accumulated data is automatically deleted. This parameter is only available for VSP E series running DKCMAIN microcode version 93-06-21 or later.


set interval -ip -login User Pass -interval 50
Interval: 50 min
set interval command success