The export data command exports accumulated performance metrics data to an (uncompressed) CSV file or a compressed ZIP file. You can export performance metrics information for any period of time that is included in the available timeframe. You can determine the time period for which data is accumulated by using the show range command.
- CSV file for performance information
- CSV file for meta information (export_metadata.csv)
When an error occurs when running the export data command and the command is terminated, or when the command is interrupted by pressing Ctrl+c, files that were already output are not deleted.
export data -ip <IP address> -login <User name> <Password> -proxy <IP address> <Port number> <User name> <Password> -outpath <Output directory> -range <Range of accumulated data> -group <Group name> -option <Content of option>
Options and parameters
- -login <user name> <password>
Specifies the user ID and password. If this option is omitted, you are prompted to enter your user ID and password.
- -proxy <IP address or host name> <port number> <user name> <password>
If the management client is connected to the storage system through a proxy server, this option specifies the proxy information (IP address [IPv4 or IPv6 format] or host name, port number, user name and password). If <user name> and <password> are omitted here, but <user name> and <password> are specified for the -login parameter, the proxy is used without authentication. If <user name> and <password> are omitted and the -login parameter is omitted, you are prompted to enter the user ID and password for the proxy server.
- -outpath
This option defines the output path of the files to export.
A maximum of 150 characters can be used when specifying a full path.
When specifying a relative path, consider the number of characters in a full path.
When this option is omitted, the files are output to the monitor2\out directory.
- Relative paths are supported.
- Output to a network drive is not supported.
- To include a space in a path, enclose it in double quotation marks ("" "").
- To specify "\", specify "\\")
- If the specified directory does not exist, the directory is automatically created.
This parameter is optional.
- -range
This parameter defines the range of accumulated data you want to export (specifies date and time).
All data that was accumulated in the specified range (date and time) is output.
When this parameter is not specified, all data accumulated in the storage system is exported (up to 1440 plots).
Because performance values are obtained from differences in accumulated data, the output performance values are reduced by 1 plot. (Time at the head is not output.)
This parameter is optional.
- -group
This parameter defines the performance metrics group name of the accumulated data you want to export.
Specify one of the following performance metrics group names for the accumulated data you want to export:
- MP
- Cache
- ParityGroup
- LU Note: The same value is output to all LUs mapped to the LDEV. These files do not contain the monitoring data for a volume that does not accept I/O from the host, such as a pool volume. Performance monitoring data cannot be collected for a LU with an NVMe connection.
- Port
- PortError
- LoginWWN
- BackendPort
- TrueCopy
- UR
You can specify group names in any order. To specify multiple groups, use a space to separate the group names (for example, MP Cache ParityGroup). When this parameter is not specified, accumulated data for all groups is exported.
- -option
This parameter specifies the option to export data.
You can specify one or more of the following options in any order:- Whether to delete a file in the save directory.
ask: Ask the user whether to delete a file or subdirectory (in the save directory) that has the same name as the output file.
clear: Delete both CSV and ZIP files (in the save directory) that have the same name as the output file.
When this parameter is not specified, the process is the same as when you specify clear.
- Whether to compress exported data
compress: Compresses data (ZIP format)
nocompress: Does not compress data
When this parameter is not specified, the process is the same as when you specify compress.
- Whether to list the resource ID per row or per column
resourceid_on_row: Lists the resource ID in a row for the exported data
When this option is specified, the ID of a resource (for example, port) is listed in a row in the exported data (CSV file for performance information). Therefore, each record contains performance information for each collection time and resource.
Example CSV file output:"Date","Time","ID","Total_IOPS" "2017/07/10","18:00","CL1-A/1122334455667788<HOST_A>","10" "2017/07/10","18:00","CL1-A/1122334455667788<HOST_A>","10"
resourceid_on_column: Lists the resource ID in a column for the exported data
When this option is specified, the ID of a resource (for example, port) is output in multiple rows in the exported data (CSV file for performance information). Therefore, each record contains performance information for multiple resources collected at the same time.
You can specify these options (resourceid_on_row and resourceid_on_column) for VSP E series with a DKCMAIN microcode version of 93-06-21 or later.
When these options are not specified or your storage system does not support these options, the process is the same as when you specify resourceid_on_row.
Example CSV file output:Total_IOPS.csv Serial Number : 610025(VSP E790) From : 2021/09/20 23:40 To : 2021/09/20 23:45 Sampling : 5 "Date","Time","CL1-A/1122334455667788<HOST_A>","CL1-A/ 1122334455667788<HOST_B>" "2021/09/20","23:40","10","10" "2021/09/20","23:45","10","10"
- Whether to delete a file in the save directory.
CSV file format
The format of the performance information CSV file differs depending on the value specified for the -option parameter (resourceid_on_row or resourceid_on_column). When neither is specified, the output format is the same as when resourceid_on_row is specified.
When resourceid_on_row is specified, each record is output for each collection time and resource. You can modify certain aspects of the CSV file format by editing the file.
- To determine whether the CSV header is included, set the value
for the exportdata.isCsvHeader parameter. The
default setting value is “output”.
The following shows the content of the CSV header.
"Date", "Time", "ID", "metrics name"
- The record format is as
"YYYY/MM/DD","HH:MM","Resource ID","Performance value"
- The record placement is one line per record.The following shows an output example of the CSV file:
"Date","Time","ID","Total_IOPS" "2017/07/10","18:00","CL1-A/1122334455667788<HOST_A>","10" "2017/07/10","18:00","CL1-A/1122334455667788<HOST_A>","10" "2017/07/10","18:00","CL1-A/1122334455667788<HOST_A>","10"
- To determine whether the CSV header is included, set the value
for the exportdata.isCsvHeader parameter. The
default setting value is “output”.
- When resourceid_on_column is specified, one line contains
performance information of multiple resources collected at the same time..
You can modify certain aspects of the CSV file format by editing the file.
- To determine whether the CSV header is included, set the value for the
exportdata.isCsvHeader parameter.
The default setting value is “TRUE”. If you specify FALSE (meaning
that the CSV header is not included), an error occurs when the
export data command runs.The CSV header includes the following information:
CSV file name Serial Number: <Serial number>(<Storage model name>) From: To: Sampling "Date", "Time", "Resource ID",…," Resource ID "
- The record format is as
"YYYY/MM/DD","HH:MM","Performance value", ..., "Performance value"
- The record placement is one line contains performance information of
multiple resources collected at the same time.The following shows an output example of the CSV file:
Total_IOPS.csv Serial Number : 610025(VSP E790) From : 2021/09/20 23:40 To : 2021/09/20 23:45 Sampling : 5 "Date","Time","CL1-A/1122334455667788<HOST_A>","CL1-A/ 1122334455667788<HOST_B>" "2021/09/20","23:40","10","10" "2021/09/20","23:45","10","10"
- To determine whether the CSV header is included, set the value for the
exportdata.isCsvHeader parameter.
The default setting value is “TRUE”. If you specify FALSE (meaning
that the CSV header is not included), an error occurs when the
export data command runs.
export data -ip -login User Pass -outpath c:\\exportlog -range 201704061200:201704061300 -group MP PG LDEV LU Port PortError LoginWWN BackendPort TrueCopy UR –option nocompress clear resourceid_on_row Start export performance data +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ ================================> 100.0% Plot:12(2017/04/06 12:00 - 2017/04/06 13:00) export data command success
================================> 100.0% Plot:0 export data command success
Specifying "ask" in the “-option” parameter:
export data -ip -login User Pass –option ask nocompress
When there are existing CSV or ZIP files that were previously generated, check file deletion. Check file deletion only once. (Deletion is not checked for each file.)
runWin.bat export data -ip -login User Pass –option ask nocompress Some file exists on path. What do you do? clear(c)/stop(s)
Specifying "ask" and responding with “clear(c)”:
export data -ip -login User Pass –option ask nocompress Some file exists on path. What do you do? clear(c)/stop(s) You selected "c". Is it OK? (y/n)
Specifying "ask" and responding with “y”. All existing CSV and ZIP files are deleted, and the export data command is run.
export data -ip -login User Pass –option ask nocompress Some file exists on path. What do you do? clear(c)/stop(s) You selected "c". Is it OK? (y/n) Start export performance data
“n” is selected: Export data command ends.
export data -ip -login User Pass –option ask nocompress Some file exists on path. What do you do? clear(c)/stop(s) You selected "c". Is it OK? (y/n) Execution stops.
“stop(s)” is selected: export data command ends (unconditionally).
export data -ip -login User Pass –option ask nocompress Some file exists on path. What do you do? clear(c)/stop(s) Execution stops.
Export commands ending with an error
The export data command starts:
export data -ip -login User Pass -outpath c:\\exportlog - range 201704061200:201704061300 -group MP PG LDEV LU Port PortError LoginWWN BackendPort TrueCopy UR –option nocompress clear Start export performance data
The accumulated data is obtained, the CSV files is created, and the file is compressed.
export data -ip -login User Pass -outpath c:\\exportlog - range 201704061200:201704061300 -group MP PG LDEV LU Port PortError LoginWWN BackendPort TrueCopy UR –option nocompress clear Start export performance data +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ ==========> 40.3%
When an error occurs during the processing, this message is displayed, and the command is terminated:
export data -ip -login User Pass -outpath c:\\exportlog - range 201704061200:201704061300 -group MP PG LDEV LU Port PortError LoginWWN BackendPort TrueCopy UR –option nocompress clear Start export performance data +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ ===============> 50.0% Error message [MSG ID = XXXX] Execution stops.
Stopping the process by pressing the Ctrl+c key
When you press the Ctrl+c key to stop the process, the messages “Stopping...” and “Execution stops.” are displayed, and the command is terminated:
export data -ip -login User Pass -outpath c:\\exportlog - range 201704061200:201704061300 -group MP PG LDEV LU Port PortError LoginWWN BackendPort TrueCopy UR –option nocompress clear Start export performance data +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ ==========> 40.3% Stopping... Execution stops.
Starting multiple export tools at the same time
When you start the export tool, the number of export tools already running is displayed. (If no other export tool is running, it is not displayed.)
export data -ip -login User Pass Start export performance data Number of concurrent export performance data:1