Displays the information of the specified LDEV or the device file. A device group can also be specified instead of an LDEV.
raidcom get ldev {-ldev_id <ldev#> … [-cnt <count>] | -grp_opt <group option> -device_grp_name <device group name> [<device name>] | -ldev_list <ldev list option>} [-key <keyword>][{-check_status | -check_status_not} <string>... [-time <time>]] [-time_zone <time zone>]
Options and parameters
- -ldev_id <ldev#> …
Specifies the LDEV number (0-65279). For example:
- -ldev_id 200
- -ldev_id 100-110
- -ldev_id 100 -cnt 10
- [-cnt <count> ]
Specifies the count (2-65280).
If this option is omitted, the count is set to one.
- -grp_opt <group option>
Specifies the device information extracted from the LDEV belonging to the device group. Specify "ldev" (fixed). The information of LDEV belonging to the device group is used.
- -device_grp_name <device group name> [<device name>]
Specifies the name of device group (maximum 32 characters) to be operated.
To operate an LDEV in the device group, specify the device name of LDEV (maximum 32 characters) within the device group.
If the device name is omitted, all the LDEVs belonging in the device group are operated.
- -ldev_list <ldev list option>
Specifies the type of LDEVs to display. Specify one of the following LDEV list options. If the LDEV that meets the specified condition does not exist, [EX_ENODEV] No such device is displayed.
- defined: Displays all implemented LDEVs.
- dp_volume: Displays LDEVs that have
Dynamic Provisioning attributes.
Combining this with -pool_id <pool id> specification displays LDEVs that have Dynamic Provisioning attributes related to the specified POOL.
- external_volume: Displays external volumes.
- undefined: Displays all LDEV numbers that are not implemented.
- mapped: Displays all LDEVs to which
LU paths are defined.
Combining this with -pool_id <pool id> specification displays LDEVs (defined the LU path) relate to the specified POOL.
- mapped_nvme: Displays all LDEVs that are assigned to namespaces.
- unmapped: Displays all LDEVs to
which LU paths are defined. However, LDEVs, mainframe volumes, and
namespaces that are not implemented are not displayed because they
cannot specify the LU path.
Combining this with -pool_id <pool id> specification displays LDEVs (not defined the LU path) relate to the specified POOL.
- journal -journal_id <journal id>: Displays LDEVs that belong to the specified journal.
- pool -pool_id <pool id>: Displays LDEVs that belong to the specified pool.
If a -pool_id option is non-numeric, the specified value is recognized as a pool name to identify the pool ID.
- parity_grp -parity_grp_id <parity group id>: Displays LDEVs that belong to the specified parity group.
- mp_blade -mp_blade_id <mp#>: Displays LDEVs that are set to the specified MP blades.
- quorum: Displays LDEVs set for the quorum disks.
- clpr -clpr_id <clpr#> : Displays LDEVs belonging to the specified CLPR.
Supported storage systems:
- VSP 5000 series
- VSP G1x00 and VSP F1500
- VSP G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900
- [-key <keyword> ]
Specifies a display keyword.
If this option is omitted, basic LDEV information is displayed. If this option is specified, the following information is displayed. The following display keywords can be specified:- front_end: Front-end information
- front_end_nvme: Front-end NVMe (NVMe-oF) information
- parity_grp: Parity group information
- external: External volume information
- tier: Tier information for the Dynamic Tiering or active flash V-VOL.
- software_saving: Information on the capacity saved by the capacity saving feature for volumes with the capacity saving feature enabled.
- naa: The NAA identifier of the LU (LUN WWN)
- nguid: Namespace identifier (NGUID: Namespace Global Unique Identifier)
- qos: Specifies the qos when displaying the QoS setting information. This display keyword can be specified only for VSP 5000 series, VSP G130, G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900.
- qos_monitor: Specifies the qos_monitor when displaying the performance monitor information related to the QoS of the target LDEV. This display keyword can be specified only for VSP 5000 series, VSP G130, G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900.
- reservation_holder: Specify this keyword to display the information about the host that sets a SCSI reservation.
- [-check_status <string>... [-time <time>]]
Check if the LDEV is in the same state as the specified in <string>. If the option contains multiple states, the OR condition check is performed and verifies that the LDEV is in one of the states contained in the option.
The following strings are specified in the <string>.
- NML: Normal
- BLK: Blocked
- BSY: Status is changing
- FMT: Formatting
- QFMT: Quick formatting
- CCOPY: Data copying (Correction copy / Copy back / Drive copy / Dynamic sparing)
- CACCS: Accessing to collections
- NONE: Not in operation
- SHRD: Shredding
- ZPD: Page discarding
- SHRPL: Deleting from the pool
- RLC: Pool relocating
- RBL: Pool rebalancing
- NOT DEFINED: An LDEV is not installed
- DEFINING: An LDEV is being created
- REMOVING: An LDEV is being deleted
If "-time" is specified, the status of the LDEV is checked every three seconds until the end of the specified <time> (seconds).
When this option is specified, the returned values are as follows.
- The LDEV is in one of the specified states: 0
- The LDEV is in none of the specified states (without -time option): 1
- The LDEV is in none of the specified states (when the specified <time> passed): EX_EWSTOT
- [-check_status_not <string>... [-time <time>]]
Check that the LDEV is not in the same state as the specified in <string>. If the option contains multiple states, the NOR condition check is performed and verifies that the LDEV is not in any of the states contained in the option.
The following strings are specified in the <string>.
- NML: Normal
- BLK: Blocked
- BSY: Status is changing
- FMT: Formatting
- QFMT: Quick formatting
- CCOPY: Data copying (Correction copy / Copy back / Drive copy / Dynamic sparing)
- CACCS: Accessing to collections
- NONE: Not in operation
- SHRD: Shredding
- ZPD: Page discarding
- SHRPL: Deleting from the pool
- RLC: Pool relocating
- RBL: Pool rebalancing
- NOT DEFINED: An LDEV is not installed
- DEFINING: An LDEV is being created
- REMOVING: An LDEV is being deleted
If "-time" is specified, the status of the LDEV is checked every three seconds until the end of the specified <time> (seconds).
When this option is specified, the returned values are as follows.
- The LDEV is not in any of the specified states: 0
- The LDEV is in one of the specified states (without -time option): 1
- The LDEV is in one of the specified states (when the specified <time> passed): EX_EWSTOT
- [-time_zone <time zone>]
Supported storage systems:
- VSP 5000 series
- VSP G130, G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900
Specifies the time zone displayed in storage systems. If this option is omitted, the time in the time zone set for the storage system is displayed. This option is valid only when it is specified with the -key qos option or -key qos_monitor option.- utc: Displays the time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
A hyphen (-) is displayed if the DKCMAIN microcode version is not supported.
Some keywords might not be displayed depending on the LDEV attribute as shown below.
LDEV attribute |
Front end |
Parity group |
External |
Tier |
Normal volume |
Internal volume |
Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
External volume |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
POOL Volume for Thin Image, Copy-on-Write Snapshot, Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe |
Internal volume |
N |
Y |
N |
N |
External volume |
N |
N |
Y |
N |
Journal volume |
Internal volume |
N |
Y |
N |
N |
External volume |
N |
N |
Y |
N |
Legend Y: Displayed, N: Not displayed |
- Internal volume examples
- External volume examples
- Dynamic Provisioning V-VOL examples
- Deduplication system data volume example
- Volume deletion examples
- Dynamic Tiering V-VOL examples
- Thin Image primary volume example
- Pool volume example
- rmawk command examples
- Capacity saving example