Displays pool information for Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, and active flash for mainframe.
raidcom get dp_pool [-key <keyword> [-fx]
[-pool {<pool_id> | <pool naming>} ]] [-pcap]
Options and parameters
- [-key <keyword> [-fx]]
Specifies the display keyword. Specify opt as <keyword>. If you specify opt, information about Dynamic Tiering, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, active flash, or active flash for mainframe pool is displayed.
If you specify the -fx option, TL_RANGE and TD_RANGE are displayed in hexadecimal notation.
- [-pool {<pool_id> | <pool naming>} ]
- Specifies the pool ID or the pool name of Dynamic Tiering, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, active flash, or active flash for mainframe when you want to display the range for each tiering level of Dynamic Tiering, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, active flash, or active flash for mainframe pools. When you specify only digits, it is recognized as a pool ID. When the pool name consists of digits, specify the pool ID instead of the pool name. This option is effective only when the -key option is specified.
- [-pcap]
Supported storage systems:
- VSP 5000 series
- VSP G1x00 and VSP F1500
- VSP G130, G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900
Specifies the actual capacity. This option is valid only when the -key opt option is specified. For the pool for which automatic addition settings of pool volumes whose accelerated compression is enabled are enabled, check the pool capacity by specifying this option.
If the microcode version does not support this option, nothing is displayed when this option is specified.
Example 1
Displaying the pool information of the pool for Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, and active flash for mainframe.
# raidcom get dp_pool
PID POLS U(%) AV_CAP(MB) TP_CAP(MB) W(%) H(%) Num LDEV# LCNT TL_CAP(MB) BM TR_CAP(MB) RCNT 001 POLN 10 45000000 50000000 50 80 2 265 33 65000000 PF 4000000 1 002 POLF 95 10000 100000000 50 80 3 270 900 100000000 PF 0 0 004 POLN 0 10000000 100000000 80 90 2 280 0 200000000 PF 0 0
Description of each column in output example:
- Displays the pool ID of Dynamic Provisioning/Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe.
Displays the status of the pool.
- POLN: "Pool Normal" (The pool is in the normal status.)
- POLF: "Pool Full" (The pool is in the overflow status exceeding the threshold.)
- POLS: "Pool Suspend" (The pool is in the overflow status exceeding the threshold and is blocked.)
- POLE: "Pool failure" (The pool is suspended in the failure status.) In this status, the pool information cannot be displayed.
- U(%)
- Displays the usage rate of the pool (including the mapped capacity and the capacity for Full Allocation).
- Displays the available capacity (megabytes) for the volumes of Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe mapped to this pool.
- Displays the total capacity (megabytes) of the pool.
- W(%)
- Displays the threshold value for WARNING set for the pool.
- H(%)
- Displays the threshold value set for the pool as the high water mark.
- Num
- Displays the number of LDEVs composing the pool.
- Displays the LDEV number of a pool-VOL that includes the pool management area. 65535(ffff) is displayed if the pool is being created.
- Displays the total number of Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe volumes mapped to the pool.
- Displays the total capacity (megabytes) of all Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe virtual volumes and Thin Image pairs mapped to the pool.
- BM
Displays the I/O Blocking Mode of the pool.
- PF (Pool Full): If the pool is full, you cannot read from the target DP-VOL or write to the target DP-VOL. If the pool VOL is blocked, you can read from the target DP-VOL or write to the target DP-VOL.
- PB (Pool vol Blockade): If the pool VOL is blocked, you cannot read from the target DP-VOL or write to the target DP-VOL. If the pool is full, you can read from the target DP-VOL or write to the target DP-VOL.
- FB (Full or Blockade): You cannot read from the target DP-VOL or write to the target DP-VOL if the pool is full and/or pool VOL is blocked.
- NB (No Blocking): You can read from the target DP-VOL or write to the target DP-VOL even if the pool is full or pool VOL is blocked.
- - (Not supported): The configuration that does not support the I/O Blocking Mode.
- Shows the sum of the pool capacities (megabytes) which are reserved for the volumes on which Full Allocation or Proprietary Anchor is enabled. For a configuration that does not support Full Allocation, a hyphen (-) is displayed.
- Shows the number of volumes for which Full Allocation is enabled that are mapped to a pool. In the configuration that does not support Full Allocation, a hyphen (-) is displayed.
The following figures show the difference between the capacity ratio changing according to whether Full Allocation is enabled or disabled when DP-VOL is written. The "Mapped capacity" in the figure is the total capacity of the user data in each virtual volumes and the page capacity which is storing the control information.
Example 2
Displays the tier information of the pool for Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe. For details about the parameters, see the Provisioning Guide for the storage system.
# raidcom get dp_pool -key opt
PID POLS MODE STS DAT TNO TL_RANGE TD_RANGE TU_CAP(MB) TT_CAP(MB) T(%) P(%) R(%) B(%) MM MC(h) 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 1 00005000 00003000 200000 1000000 80 54 98 40 PM 24 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 2 00003000 00002000 400000 1000000 80 54 98 30 PM 24 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 3 00002000 00002000 600000 1000000 80 54 98 40 PM 24 002 POLF AUT MON PND 1 - - 500000 1000000 80 54 100 2 PM 8
Example 3
When you specify -pool, displays the range for each tiering level of corresponding pools.
# raidcom get dp_pool -pool 1 -key opt
PID POLS MODE STS DAT TNO TL_RANGE TD_RANGE TU_CAP(MB) TT_CAP(MB) T(%) P(%) R(%) B(%) MM MC(h) 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 0 4294967294 00000000 8064 8190 10 28 100 2 PM 24 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 0 4294967294 00000000 3948 3990 10 100 100 2 PM 24 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 0 00000000 00000000 504 8190 10 33 100 2 PM 24 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 1 00000000 00000000 8064 8190 10 28 100 2 PM 24 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 1 00000000 00000000 3948 3990 10 100 100 2 PM 24 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 1 00000000 00000000 504 8190 10 33 100 2 PM 24 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 2 00000039 00000000 8064 8190 10 28 100 2 PM 24 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 2 00000000 00000000 3948 3990 10 100 100 2 PM 24 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 2 00000000 00000000 504 8190 10 33 100 2 PM 24 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 3 00000100 00000000 8064 8190 10 28 100 2 PM 24 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 3 00000041 00000000 3948 3990 10 100 100 2 PM 24 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 3 00000000 00000000 504 8190 10 33 100 2 PM 24 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 4 00000001 00000000 8064 8190 10 28 100 2 PM 24 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 4 00000000 00000000 3948 3990 10 100 100 2 PM 24 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 4 00000000 00000000 504 8190 10 33 100 2 PM 24 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 5 00000001 00000000 8064 8190 10 28 100 2 PM 24 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 5 00000001 00000000 3948 3990 10 100 100 2 PM 24 001 POLN DEF STP VAL 5 00000000 00000000 504 8190 10 33 100 2 PM 24
Description of each column in output example:
- Displays the pool ID for Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe.
Displays the status of the pool.
- POLN: "Pool Normal" (The pool is in the normal status.)
- POLF: "Pool Full" (The pool is in the overflow status exceeding the threshold.)
- POLS: "Pool Suspend" (The pool is in the overflow status exceeding the threshold and is blocked.)
- POLE: "Pool failure" (The pool is suspended in the failure status.) In this status, the pool information cannot be displayed.
Displays the execution mode.
- DEF: The start/termination of the monitor is performed by the instruction of the CCI, and the Tier range setting is performed by the automatic calculation of the storage system.
- AUT: The start/termination of the monitor is performed by time specification, and the Tier range setting is performed by the automatic calculation of the storage system.
AUT cannot be instructed from the CCI. AUT can only performed if displayed when set from the SN2.
Displays the operational status of the performance monitor and the tier relocation.
- STP: The performance monitor and the tier relocation are stopped.
- RLC: The performance monitor is stopped. The tier relocation is waiting or operating.
- MON: The performance monitor is operating. The tier relocation is stopped.
- RLM: The performance monitor is operating. The tier relocation is waiting or operating.
Displays the status of the monitor information.
- VAL: Valid.
- INV: Invalid.
- PND: Being calculated.
- Tiering number. When you specify the pool, displays the tiering level (0 means "all" is set to the level of tiering policy).
- Lowest limit value of the Tier in IOPH.
- 0 (0x00000000) to 4294967294 (0xFFFFFFFE)
- When "all" is set to the level of tiering policy, the lowest limit value of the tier is displayed. When there is no V-VOL where "all" is set to the level of tiering policy, or when there is no V-VOL related to the pool, the invalid value "-" (0xFFFFFFFF) is displayed. If the -fix option is specified, this displays the value in parentheses given in hexadecimal.
Delta value of the Tier in IOPH. 0 (0x00000000) to 4294967294 (0xFFFFFFFE): When "all" is set to the level of tiering policy, the lowest limit value of the tier is displayed. When there is no V-VOL where "all" is set to the level of tiering policy, or when there is no V-VOL related to the pool, the invalid value "-" (0xFFFFFFFF) is displayed. If the -fix option is specified, this displays the value in parentheses given in hexadecimal.
Tier capacity (Usage amount). Displays the actual capacity (megabytes) of the tier (usage amount) when the -pcap option is specified.
Tier capacity (Total capacity). Displays the actual capacity (megabytes) of the tier (total capacity) when the -pcap option is specified.
- T(%)
- The free space percentage for the new allocation
- P(%)
- Performance working ratio
- R(%)
Progress percentage of relocation.
- 0 to 99: Shows one of the following statuses.
- When the value of STS is RLC or RLM: relocation is waiting or in progress.
- When the value of STS is STP or MON: relocation is suspended.
- 100: Shows if the relocation operation is not in progress, or the relocation is complete.
- 0 to 99: Shows one of the following statuses.
- B(%)
- Displays the amount of buffer for the tier reallocation.
- MM
Displays the mode of performance monitoring and the availability of active flash:
- PM: Periodical mode.
- CM: Continuous mode.
- RPM: Periodical mode and active flash is enabled.
- RCM: Continuous mode and active flash is enabled.
- MC(h)
Displays the execution cycle of performance monitoring and tier reallocation. A hyphen (-) is displayed if MODE is not AUT.
For VSP G1x00, VSP F1500, VSP, VSP G200, G400, G600, G800, and VSP F400, F600, F800, a hyphen (-) is always displayed.