Creates pools and adds pool VOLs for Thin Image and Copy-on-Write Snapshot by the specified resource.
Specify either one of Pool ID or Pool Name certainly. If both the Pool ID and Pool Name options are omitted, this command is rejected with EX_REQARG.
This command is executed asynchronously with the command input. Check the completion of this process on the raidcom get command_status command.
raidcom add snap_pool {-pool_id <pool ID#> | -pool_name <pool naming> | -pool_id <pool ID#> -pool_name <pool naming>} {-parity_grp_id <gno-sgno> [-resource_id <resource group_id >] | -ldev_id <ldev#> …[-cnt<count>] | -grp_opt <group option> -device_grp_name <device group name> [<device name>]} [-user_threshold <%> ][-thinsnap][-auto_add_poolvol {enable|disable}]
Options and parameters
- -pool_id <pool ID#>
Specifies the Pool ID (0-127) of a Thin Image or Copy-on-Write Snapshot pool.
If a -pool_id option is non-numeric, the specified value is recognized as a pool name to identify the pool ID.
When you omit specifying the -pool_id option, you need to specify -pool_name option.
When specifying the -pool_name option without a -pool_id option, the specified pool is searched first. If the pool exists, the pool volume is added to the corresponding pool. If the pool does not exist, a new pool is created and is assigned a pool ID. However, if the pool does not exist and multiple commands without the -pool_id option are executed simultaneously, the same pool ID might be assigned to multiple newly created pools.
To avoid this behavior, use the raidcom lock resource command in advance to lock all resource groups. If all the resource groups are locked, commands executed by other users cannot take out unused pool IDs from all the resource groups. If you create multiple pools, execute the next raidcom add snap_pool command after the execution of the current raidcom add snap_pool command is complete.
After the execution of all the raidcom add snap_pool commands are complete, use the raidcom unlock resource command to unlock all the resource groups.
- -pool_name <pool naming>
Specifies the pool name of a pool for Thin Image or Copy-on-Write Snapshot. Up to 32 characters can be specified.
When specifying a pool ID or a pool name, if a pool name exists in the specified pool ID, the pool name is overwritten. If the pool volume is added by specifying only a pool ID, the pool name is not changed. When the specification of Pool Name is omitted, a Pool ID must be specified. When the Pool ID is specified and the Pool Name is omitted, a pool name is allocated automatically in the form of "New Pool<number>".
The -pool_name option cannot be specified by configuring only in numeric because numeric values are preferentially identified as a pool ID. Specifies a pool ID with the -pool_id<pool ID#> option.
- -parity_grp_id <gno-sgno> [-resource_id <resource group_id >]
Supported storage systems:
- VSP G130, G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900
Specifies the parity group number (gno: 1 to 52, sgno: 1 to 32).
For example: 3-1
When -resource_id <resource grp id> is specified, select the LDEV that is not installed in the specified resource group and has the largest LDEV number to create a pool volume. This option is valid only when a pool is created. If you omit this option, the smallest ID of a resource group for which the user has operation permissions is set.
- -ldev_id <ldev#>
Specifies the LDEV number (0 to 65279). Up to 64 of LDEVs can be specified at a time. For example:
- -ldev_id 100
- -ldev_id 100-110
- -ldev_id 100 -cnt 10
- [-cnt <count> ]
Specifies the count (2 to 64).
The count becomes singular if not specified.
Up to 64 of LDEVs can be specified at a time.
- -grp_opt <group option>
Specifies the device information extracted from the LDEV belonging to the device group. Specify "ldev" (fixed). The information of LDEV belonging to the device group is used.
- -device_grp_name <device group name> [<device name>]
Specifies the name of device group (maximum 32 characters) to be operated.
To operate an LDEV in the device group, specify the device name of LDEV (maximum 32 characters) within the device group.
If the device name is omitted, all the LDEVs belonging to the device group are operated.
When the -pool_name option is omitted, the device group name changes into the pool name.
- [-user_threshold <%> ]
Specifies the user defined threshold value (20 to 95) (%).
If this option is omitted, "80" is used.
When you add a pool volume, this option is ignored even if it is specified. If you want to change the user defined threshold value of the additional pool volume, execute the raidcom modify pool command.
- [-auto_add_poolvol {enable|disable}]
Specifies whether to automatically add pool volumes for which accelerated compression is enabled. This option is valid only for creating pools. This option can be specified for VSP G1x00 or VSP F1500.
- enable: Automatically adds pool volumes for which accelerated compression is enabled according to the compression ratio of a parity group for which accelerated compression is enabled.
- disable: The pool volumes for which accelerated compression is enabled are not added automatically.
When these options are not specified, the default values will be applied as follows:- enable: When the storage system is VSP 5000 series, VSP G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900.
- disable: When the storage system is VSP G1x00 or VSP F1500.
Using LDEVs:400, 401, and 402, creating a pool of Pool ID:1, Pool Name: my_ss_pool for Thin Image (HTI only).
# raidcom add snap_pool -pool_id 1 -pool_name my_ss_pool -ldev_id 400 401 402
Using LDEVs:410, 411, and 412, creating a pool of Pool ID:3, Pool Name: my_ss_pool for Thin Image (HTI only).
# raidcom add snap_pool -pool_id 3 -pool_name my_ss_pool -ldev_id 410 411 412 -thinsnap
Using LDEVs:500, 501, and 502, creating a pool of Pool ID: Allocated automatically, Pool Name: my_ss_pool for Thin Image (HTI only).
# raidcom add snap_pool -pool_name my_ss_pool -ldev_id 500 501 502
Using LDEVs:600, 601, and 602, creating a pool of Pool ID: 2, Pool Name: Allocated automatically for Thin Image (HTI only).
# raidcom add snap_pool -pool_id 2 -ldev_id 600 601 602
Using LDEV belonging to the device group: grp1, creating a pool of Pool ID: 1, Pool Name: Allocated automatically for Thin Image (HTI only).
# raidcom add snap_pool -pool_id 1 -grp_opt ldev -device_grp_name grp1