Firefox web browser problems on UNIX

System Administrator Guide for VSP E990 and VSP G130, G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900

Part Number

Note the following when using Firefox web browser on UNIX:

  • If a Mozilla process or a Firefox web browser process becomes unavailable, Device Manager - Storage Navigator performance is affected. Delete the abnormal process and continue with Device Manager - Storage Navigator operations.
  • When using Device Manager - Storage Navigator on the Japanese version of the Firefox web browser, you must use the X Server Emulator to properly configure the browser, as follows:

    In a B Shell, enter the following command:

    export LANG

    In a C Shell, enter the following command:

    setenv LANG C

When you use Device Manager - Storage Navigator with Firefox, movements of the focus may differ from movements of the focus in Internet Explorer. For example:

  • When the Device Manager - Storage Navigator login window appears, the focus is not on the User Name box. Even is the User Name box is emphasized, you cannot enter any characters in it.
  • When you move the focus by using the Tab key, the destination browser window does not become active.

In Firefox, when you click Logout at the upper right corner of the Device Manager - Storage Navigator main window, the Device Manager - Storage Navigator login window appears after you logout. With Internet Explorer, the window closes after the logout.