Updating the certificate files

System Administrator Guide for VSP E990 and VSP G130, G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900

Part Number

The Update Certificate Files window is used to update the certificates that are used for communication between the management client and the storage system.

  • You must have the Storage Administrator (View & Modify) role to complete this procedure.
  1. In the maintenance utility Menu navigation tree, click System Management.
  2. Click Update Certificate Files.
    Note: For storage systems without an SVP, unselect the Connect to SVP box.
  3. To update the certificate file on the management client:
    1. Select the Web Server checkbox, then click Browse.
    2. Browse to the certificate file and click Open. The File Upload window closes and returns you to the Update Certificate Files dialog box.
    3. In the Web Server Password: field, enter the certificate password.
    4. Enter the password again in the Web Server Re-enter Password: field.
    Note: For storage systems without an SVP, continue to step 5.
  4. To update the certificate file on the SVP:
    1. Select the Connect to SVP checkbox, then click Browse.
    2. Browse to the certificate file and click Open. The File Upload window closes and returns you to the Update Certificate Files dialog box.
    3. In the Connect to SVP Password: field, enter the certificate password.
    4. Enter the password again in the Connect to SVP Re-enter Password: field.
  5. Click Apply to update the certificates.